Writing about all the big & little things

Author: Erica (Page 16 of 269)

A fresh start… kind of?

It is officially the year 2020.  I have to admit that year sounds totally futuristic to me.  When we were kids we would say, “…way off in the future (like in 2020!)  we’ll have flying cars, time travel tunnels, and food that appears out of nowhere!”  Ok, not quite like that, but, you get the idea.

All of my friends are choosing New Year’s Resolutions and Goals.  It’s s fresh new year, right?  Except that I can’t help feeling like it’s just the MIDDLE of the current year.  It’s kind of like the whole debate of when a week starts.  Does it go Monday to Monday, or Sunday to Sunday?  It’s really an irrelevant debate when you think about it.  Does it really matter which day the week officially starts on?  I mean there will still be the same number of days and things accomplished in the end.  So, I tend to feel the same about New Year’s Resolutions and Goals.  I mean they’re fine and everything, but if I start a new plan next month that’s really the same as starting it now, right?  I mean at the end of the year, as long as I’ve done something with my life then I would say I’m winning.

Ok.  Enough of the rambling.  I’m going to try and get myself back into writing more consistently.  I’m not going to set an official goal because it just stresses me out more… but I do enjoy having these posts to look back on, especially the pictures. 🙂 So, here’s to a new year with more pictures and info on the Friesen life!

The kids were back to school yesterday, so as we waited for the bus Chloe made a snowman snowbaby while we waited.  Here’s her first one (I just love the cute eyes) and then below that is her updated one from this morning– she had to fix it and add new buttons and eyes again this morning…

(Childhood) Dress fun!

Maddie finally fits in my absolutely FAVORITE childhood dress.  She was thrilled to wear it yesterday. I’ll have to dig up a picture of Chloe wearing it as well as an old one of me… that would be a fun comparison.

I just love the way the dress felt on my legs.  It had such weight to it, so it would swish around when I would walk.  I remember loving to run and twirl and just do everything in this dress.  Ah.

Amazing Music Bag!

Remember last week when I posted about that student who wore the simply adorable outfit with all the music notes on it?  Well, her Mom made her a super sweet bag for her to carry her books in.  I’ve often commented on the bag, because it is soooooo adorable.  Plus I just love that her Mom made her something unique to help make coming to lessons even more special.

Well, yesterday she walked in the door and presented me with my very own miniature version of her bag!  Isn’t it so neat?!


Thankful Tuesday

We’ve been doing our Thankful jar again this year, and even Levi has started to join in the fun.  Last night when he was answering he was giggling so hard it was hard to understand what he was trying to say.  When we finally understood what he was saying we were all in stitches:  Sandwiches.  I love that he is starting to develop a sense of humor.

For your enjoyment, I thought I would post what Levi has been thankful for this month:

  1. My Mike Wazowski costume
  2. Cheeseburgers and french fries
  3. Pizza
  4. Pizza and pants
  5. Toys
  6. Snow
  7. French fries
  8. Daddy
  9. Hot dogs
  10. Daddy
  11. Josiah
  12. Dad
  13. Big forks to eat with
  14. Crying
  15. Chloe
  16. Jennifer
  17. Dinosaur car toys
  18. Sandwhiches

Fun comparison

I was changing out the pictures in our frames this week and found the old pictures tucked in the back of the frame.  It’s so much fun to see how much everyone has changed in 3 years.

I love this picture comparison the best because they are sitting in the same configuration.  As a funny side note:  We saved that black dress that Maddie is wearing as a play dress for their stuffed bear.

Adorable Outfit

I had a student come to her lesson this week wearing the MOST adorable outfit.  I snuck a picture of her (from the back, to protect her identity 😉 )

She’s is wearing a musical headband, music note pants, and even a shirt with a glittering pair of eighth notes (which you can’t see here).  I just love that she picked that outfit on a day she was coming to lessons.  It makes my heart so happy!

The new Butterfinger

Apparently the candy bar, “Butterfinger” has updated their recipe.

I guess I was pretty naive in my thinking, because I never stopped to think about each candy bar needing a recipe.  I know, pretty silly.  But I just envisioned a magical place where you watching the ingredients enter one side of this giant machine and come out the other side all put together and deliciously perfect.  A bit like the machine in Wily Wonka that makes the gum that tastes like a full Turkey dinner.  It made a lot of funny noises and then *POP!* out came a fun looking piece of gum.

But back to the Butterfinger.  They changed up their recipe after they had recently been bought by a new company.  I guess the new owner wanted to update things–claiming to have a fresher, crisper bar.  Well, I’ve tasted it and I’m sorely disappointed.  In my opinion, it has completely lost the flavor of a Butterfinger!  It is definitely more crunchy, but that wasn’t why I would pick that candy bar in the first place, so that doesn’t sway me.

And I’m not the only one to have these negative opinion of the new bar. It’s pretty amusing how strongly people have responded against the new recipe.  I’m curious if they will keep it or eventually change back… only time will tell.

So, go buy a Butterfinger and let me know what YOU think.  😉

Funny Hat Ice

The other morning (when it was brutally, painfully, terribly cold–but I’m pretty sure I already established that cold thing yesterday…) Chloe had to take a shower that morning just before leaving for the bus.  Since she didn’t have time to dry her hair before leaving we just tucked her hair ALL up under her stocking hat.

Now, I’m not sure exactly what caused it (maybe the heat of her head, or the wetness of her hair, or the extreme cold or a combination of all three) but she had long hair like ice strings on the outside of her hat!  I couldn’t tell if it was the fuzzies on her hat that had just collected ice or if it was actual strings of ice… Regardless, it was pretty amusing!


Well, November hit and it got cold.  It actually snowed here on November 1st (and has snowed a couple more times since then) but it hasn’t stayed.  Today when we walked down to the bus stop it was 3 degrees.  Brrr!  Yesterday when we got up it was a little warmer (13 degrees), but the wind made it feel like it was -3.  Double Brrr!   It feels like we bypassed Fall and went straight into winter.  I have even had a few students come to their lesson and tell me they have already put up their Christmas tree!

In other news, which you could probably have guessed–Tim is officially done with his work season.  No more nannies! Yippie!

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