Writing about all the big & little things

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Answer to my question…

I saw my student today that I thought might have been in the ballet last weekend. It wasn’t her. Bummer. I was so sure it was… she dances with a different company. I thought it would have been sooooo cool to see her on stage. Oh well. 🙂

Friday Night Fun

(Sung to the tune of “O Christmas Tree.”  Come on, you know you want to sing it–go on, do it!) 🙂


Friday night, O Friday night,

why do I love thee Friday night?


Friday night, O Friday night,

You mark the weekend starting right…


Tomorrow morning it will be,

a lovely Saturday for me…


Cuz Friday night, O Friday night,

You have arrived here FINALLY!


I thought today was Wednesday all day. Weird. So now I feel like tomorrow should be Thursday and it’s only Wednesday. I guess it was a long Monday yesterday! 🙂

I’m in the process of transferring to a new computer so all of my files haven’t been switched over yet–hence the lack of pictures that I mentioned earlier… tomorrow would be a good day to post them in honor or Wordless Wednesday!

It was cold today. Brrrrr… we went for a walk and I made both kids wear hats and thick coats. I’m glad we hadn’t packed everything away yet. I have to keep reminding myself that it’s only the beginning of April with the warm weather we’ve been having.

Happy Easter!

I hope you all had a fantastic Easter weekend!  I can’t believe it’s been 4 days since my last post–I think I *thought* I was posting and lo and behold, I haven’t written anything.  Whoops!

Yesterday Tim went to St. Cloud for the day to help his Mom with her kitchen remodel.  They finished ripping out the wall that was between her kitchen and living room so they can extend the kitchen a little bit into the existing living room.  It’s going to be so cool when it’s done.  While he was away Chloe and I dyed eggs.  She had SUCH a good time it was adorable.

Today we were up early (although not as early as Mom for her sunrise service! ;)) to play/sing for two services at church.  It was a rough morning for Josiah since he’s decided he won’t nap at church, so the rest of the day was spent trying to get him back close to his schedule.  Chloe enjoyed an egg hunt and we decided to give her a small basket of candy which she was super excited about.

I have pictures of all these things, but I’m too tired to post them right now, so you’re just going to have to wait until tomorrow… 🙂

Ah, tomorrow… it’s Monday again.  I don’t like Monday’s.  Blech.

Back into the summer groove

Tim officially went back to work today.  So, now we work at getting used to our new routine.  *I* have to get used to doing things with both kids in tow again, and figuring out how to get things I need to get done with sometimes non-agreeable children… *Chloe* has to get used to learning how “Mom does things is sometimes not the same way Dad does…”  It will take a couple of days, but we’ll all survive.  🙂

In other news, I can’t believe Easter is already this weekend!  I just checked the weather and Sunday looks to be pleasant.  Next year Easter falls at the end of March–I doubt it will be anywhere close to as nice as the weather we’ll have this year!

We signed Chloe back up for another round of classes–the same “Young Athlete” class that she’s been enjoying so much.  The gal who’s helping nanny for this month is actually one of the helpers for the class so she has to go anyways, so now she can take Chloe with her.  Chloe was VERY excited to get to go again tonight.  It’s cute!

Home & Done & Exhausted

Last night was the performance of the Requiem.  It went really well–no major hiccups (except I botched one of the introductions that was me playing alone… but otherwise fine)  I left right away this morning to come back home so Tim could run up to St. Cloud with Chloe.  I’m hanging out with JD, cleaning up the house and getting ready to exercise and then I’m going to RELAX.  It’s been a delightful week, but I can’t believe it’s already FRIDAY!  Where did my Spring Break go?

I recorded Mom and I practicing when I first got there yesterday afternoon.  It’s fun to be able to go back and watch and hear the music again.  I’ll try and splice a little bit to show you–I’m sure you don’t want to hear the full hour of us practicing!  🙂

And now I’m back in Minnesota.

I drove back this morning from my folks house, after practicing piano on my Mom’s nice baby grand piano, of course.   I was thinking about needing to practice after I got home and I realized that it would make more sense to just practice there–without the distraction of kids and household tasks, etc.  And the added bonus, of course, is getting to play on a baby grand which was fun.  🙂

Tonight our “tax guy” game and took care of our taxes.  It’s nice to have that taken care of again for another year.  We had the unexpected and extremely rare discovery that we will actually be getting money back this year!  It’s not very much–but any money back is a rare treat!   I still have nightmares about our very first year doing our taxes after we were both self-employed and it was NOT PRETTY.   If I remember it was something like $10,000 that we had to pay in.  NOT FUN.  Every year we get better at predicting it and it’s such a relief to have the same guy come every year to do our taxes.  He knows us now, and we know what he needs us to pull together ahead of time.  All in all, it’s great to have it done.

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