Since we moved into this house we haven’t been a fan of the wood chips surrounding the trees in our back yard.  It’s a pain to mow around them and they get tons of weeds (apparently there was no filter fabric put underneath…ugh).  Plus you have the added cost of needing to put a new fresh layer of wood chips down every couple of years since they start to look gross after a while.

So, we decided it’s out with the wood chips and in with grass.  I think it will look better and give the kids more playspace.  Oh, and cost less in upkeep.  It’s a total win-win-win.

Look how excited everyone is to get started!

Look how excited everyone is to get started!

Last Friday night Tim had worked at a job with his trailer and had extra space to haul out some of our own wood chips so he started digging it out.   And on Saturday morning we made it a family affair.  We were all out there scooping up woodchips and pulling out edging (that was really stuck in there, I might add!).  Then Tim got some black dirt and seeds and we smoothed everything out and spread the seeds.

It was HARD work, but everyone did their part.

It was HARD work, but everyone did their part.

operation woodchips 3R operation woodchips 4 R operation woodchips 5 R

Now we just have to keep up the watering, and remind the kids to stay out, and we’ll have grass in no time!

Here’s what it looks like now with the black dirt and seeds down.  I’m excited to see how different it looks eventually when the grass comes in.

grass done R