I’m sorry I haven’t been posting as much lately. I’ve found that since Tim is back to work I’m finding my motivation is a very fickle thing. Some days I feel like I can conquer the world and I get TONS done. And then other days I feel completely overwhelmed and all I want to do is sit on the couch and eat junk food all day. I know, I know, we probably all have weeks like this… so I’m sure many of you can relate. 🙂
Things otherwise have adjusted just fine to the work season again. The kids are finally adjusted to waiting for Tim to come home at supper, and they (a.k.a. Chloe) don’t ask where he is anymore throughout the day. They’ve also adapted nicely to having a nanny here in the afternoons. And for the most part they are sleeping much better throughout the day. Josiah’s naps had been a bit wishy-washy at the end of Tim’s off season, but he’s settled into a wonderful groove now. The only battle we’re still tackling is Josiah waking up at night to “talk” to Chloe. So for now she gets to sleep in our closet. Everyone is sleeping better and waking up happier.
I had a bit of a pity party for myself this morning and I decided that I didn’t want to exercise (insert whiny voice here… “I don’t waaaaaaaaaaanna exercise…. “) so Chloe and I sat on the couch and watched pointless t.v. and ate popcorn for a half hour. At which point I realized what a lazy bum I was really being… So, we went outside and mowed the lawn and pulled the chairs out of storage for the patio set and made chicken for lunch and got the laundry going and even walked over to the school to (re)fill out her registration form for class that they apparently lost.
But that brings me back to my motivation… it sits in such a fragile place. Just the mention of a candy bar or rich creamy chocolate cheesecake… mmmmmmmm… cheesecake….  mmmmmm………….. wait, where was I? Right. motivation. I have to laugh at myself at how quickly I feel like giving in and eating whatever I want. It’s pretty ridiculous actually. Ah, well. I’m still working through it.
At least God gave me a daughter who is a constant “do-er” like me. I said to her yesterday, Chloe I don’t want to exercise. And she looked at me and said, “but Mom, you HAVE to exercise.” It made me smile. And at that point she went into the living room and waited on the couch for me to start my workout video. When I didn’t emerge from my studio to exercise a few minutes later she yelled to me, “Mom, you need to come out and exercise now! I’m waiting!”
Ah, yes. I need a good push now and then. 🙂
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