Writing about all the big & little things

Category: Teaching (Page 3 of 4)

Mishmash of news for today

Today is my lesson sign-up day. I love sign-up day because everything finally falls into place… although it is a bit of a crazy morning around here getting emails and phone calls and trying to schedule and send confirmation emails as fast as my fingers will go! But I still love the feeling of it all coming together.

Today is also Dad’s birthday–so HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! 🙂 Chloe and I were supposed to make a cute card together and somehow time slipped away from us and we didn’t get it done, so it will be coming late…..

Today the kids are at Baker’s house. They actually spent the night there since my sign up started so early and I wouldn’t have time to drive them there this morning before everything got started. I’m hopeful that they are being good….. 🙂

And finally, Today we go to look at the rental. I’m excited and apprehensive at the same time. I really like the rental but we have to decide if it’s worth it to only be able to stay there one month… We’ll know more after we see it today (actually this evening).

I hope you’re all having a great Monday!

Spring Recital!

Today we had our Spring Recitals!  Chloe was really excited–she’s been counting down the days all week.  She even got to wear her special pink dress and sit with the Baker’s through the whole first recital.  That’s a big deal, since, every other recital she’s only watched part of the program and then gone downstairs to play while Tim sets up the cake and punch.  But I really wanted her to start sitting through a whole recital because it won’t be long until she’s in the recital herself!  🙂

It was a gorgeous day for a recital or two!


2:00 Recital!


4:00 Recital


Traditional Recital day picture with the kids!

Honors Concert 2013

Saturday was the big Honor’s Concert at the Minneapolis Convention Center.  I ended up having 3 students play in it.  Apparently I was overly excited about going because I ended up getting ready almost an hour before I needed to leave… then I proceeded to just walk around awkwardly waiting for time to pass.  This was the first year I didn’t need to go early to help.  It was a strange feeling to just go as a spectator… I didn’t like it much.  I like feeling useful much more.  But anyway, I did make my rounds and say hi to everyone and I did help run some useless errands for a few people (since I couldn’t help myself from offering to help a little!). Then I walked around until I could find a seat–since I went alone I only needed to find one random unfilled seat–and I finally did.  It was a spectacular seat, too!  Right in the center near the back but up about halfway so I had a straight shot view.

There were two soloist during the concert.  Let me tell you, they were in a league of their own.  Simply stunning.  STUNNING.  The first one was so good I might have forgotten to breathe or swallow for a little bit.  He had the audience of almost 3,500 people captivated into silence.  Total silence.  Even a single cough seemed to blast unnaturally loudly.

It’s such a treat to hear such amazing piano music–and it’s such an inspiration for all those little kids to see another kid (the winner of the first one was still in High School and the second was a College student) performing such amazing music.  🙂

Of course, it’s a treat to see my students on stage too… plus it’s such a formal event that watching the attire is part of the fun too!  It’s fun to see what dresses and colors are popular this year.

Piano Mayhem


Broken Hammer Head

Uh Oh.

My piano had an annoying click on the middle E–a very common note to be played in EVERY lesson.  So I finally decided to open the piano lid and see if I could fix it.  I know, I know… it’s never that easy.  I should have known that.  But I looked any way.

Sure enough, I couldn’t figure out what the click was coming from (and neither could Tim–I thought maybe two minds were better than one!) so I closed it back up.  It got kind of stuck as we closed it, but I didn’t think much of it.  So I repositioned all of my decorations on the piano and started playing for fun.  It wasn’t long before I noticed there were a bunch of keys near the low end of the keyboard that weren’t sounding.  Or at least not sounding right.


I took all the stuff BACK off the piano and opened it back up again.

Uh oh.

Now I notice there is a broken hammer head stuck down next to the keys next to it.   WHAT?!  How did that happen!?

Well, apparently there is a trick to closing the piano carefully… that I didn’t do.  You would think that after owning the piano for so many years I wouldn’t have made the mistake… See the piano?  Notice the little leg on the far left?  Ok, that leg holds the lid open…

Open Piano

Right.  Now, when you close the lid you should tuck the leg back up inside and close slowly.  Which I did.

Be sure to CLOSE the leg when you shut the piano

But when I closed it the leg swung back down and well… you can see what happened.  (On a side note, I discovered later that it swung back down because the screw was too loose.  I have since corrected this problem… )

So the piano guy was out here bright and early this morning fixing the problem.  Which actually wasn’t all bad, because the piano was in DIRE need of a good tuning as well, so he was able to do that as well.  I admit I had been putting off the tuning because I wasn’t sure when we were going to be moving and I know I’ll have to get it re-tuned after we move, but it looks like it will be a good chunk of months longer at the LEAST.

So, to recap.  Don’t try to fix a piano yourself.  Be careful to put the leg back up when closing the lid.  Good ultimately came because of having to get it fixed.  🙂

My 1st visit from a previous student.

Well, it’s official.  I’m old.  No wait, scratch that.  I’m old enough to have had students who have now graduated from H.S.  There that makes me feel better.  😉  Anyway, I had my first visit from a graduate piano/voice student of mine, back on Christmas break from college.  She came to see me and chat.  Isn’t that cute!?  And, even though Tim thinks I’m a fool to not see it coming, I seriously didn’t expect to see her ever again.  She’s attending a theater/dance college so we had a lot to talk about–and it was amusing to recall those first days of college… I remember having an odd roommate my first year of college and she does as well.  It also brought back memories of how fun college was–being surrounded  by people with a similar passion for music so much fun!  I’m just so excited that she thought to come and see me…  it makes me smile.


Before I go, how about a random picture?  This was Chloe’s big empty box that she got from Auntie Jen–mostly as a joke.  But wouldn’t you know it?  She LOVED the box.  It was probably her favorite Christmas gift until it broke apart from playing in it too much.  Haha!  She and Josiah had a blast playing in that big box!

Chloe's "Big Empty Box" that she got from Auntie Jen.

Recital Success!

Another recital day off without a hitch.  🙂

Although I did have 3 families call that morning to say they couldn’t make it (sick or stuck in bad weather)… but other than that it went great.  And even though it had to be on Saturday instead of Sunday I only had a few families that had other conflicts and had to bow out.  So I was pretty pleased.  We also had to move the recitals later in the day because of (more) scheduling issues so they were at 4:00 and 7:00.  That meant that we had enough time in between to order pizza and just relax for a little at the church.  Plus then I had my Sunday free, which was a really odd feeling.

Hmmm.. I just re-read that last paragraph and it is very disjointed.  Oh, well.  Onto the more interesting part of the recital–PICTURES from the recital!

My handsome men

First Recital!

Second Recital

Our annual piano picture!

Spring Break is here!

I’m officially on Spring Break now.  Yippie!

Although it’s going to be a very strange “break” because I will still be teaching a couple of times this week and then I’ll be heading over to WI for the Requiem dress rehearsal and performance… so it definitely will not be a boring week!  But the strict routine will be gone for this week at least. And this is Tim’s last week of freedom before starting back to work. I think he’s excited to get back to making money again and I’m pretty sure he’s ready to be done with being a “stay-at-home-dad” for a while too. He’s had to take a lot of the responsibility of watching the kids all by himself during my contest season and I can tell it’s starting to wear on him.  So, even though I dread him going back to work, I’m thankful for how wonderfully helpful he has been.

I’m also dreading how Josiah will handle a nanny.  He’s a bit Jeckle & Hyde lately.  He can be delightfully happy and then 15 min. later angrily yelling for no apparent reason.  He’s also a bit afraid of strangers, so it could be a rough first week getting used to everything…

In other JD news he’s finally an official crawler now.  He was “scootching” for a while and he’s finally figured out how to get his arms to move along with him so he doesn’t always land on his belly.  It’s so cute to watch how much concentration it requires right now.  I’m sure in another month he’ll be so fast I won’t be able to keep track of him!

"Look! I crawled so fast I left my pants behind!"

Recital Pictures!

Today was a bit of a busy first day off so I haven’t had time to sit and write about the recital.   I figured that you all cared more about the pictures rather than my babbling anyway… 🙂

The best family picture of the night--it was a bit tricky getting JD to look and Chloe to sit still after all the sugar she had (I'm pretty sure she had at least 3 slices of cake)!

Our bi-annual recital picture sitting at the piano!

My awesome kids!

Kailynn and Chloe--adorable cousins!

My two handsome guys!

My favorite picture of Chloe & JD!

Chloe was SUPER excited to be able to wear her special white dress again--and I was thrilled to find a cute little blue sweater "thing" to keep her warm!

A kiss on Daddy's cheek!

And finally, a great picture of the Greenhalgh family. They LOVED holding JD and playing with Chloe!

Thrilled the weekend is finally here!

Yippie–it’s FRIDAY night!

This morning was amazing being able to sleep in a bit.  I was even able to function all morning without needing a cup of coffee which hasn’t happened all week.  It was also wonderful to be able to just stay home today without any errands to run or places to be.  Fall is just a very busy time for me… starting next week (for the next month) I have MMTA music seminars on Tuesday mornings.  It’s for the MMTA piano contest music and since I have students in contest now I really feel it’s beneficial to hear the notes the judges will be looking for on every song.  Plus I get to hear a good performance of every song which is always fun.  But it will steal another morning away from my week and I need to line up a sitter to come and watch the kids yet… I’ll be happy when November rolls around and Tim is home again and things have slowed down.

On an amusing note… I had a student come to his first lesson, after having the entire summer off.  Apparently he was quite diligent about logging his minutes during the vacation and had come up with an astonishing total:  2,340 minutes.  😀  I can honestly say I’ve never seen that total.  But there it was, logged in his book.  And I could even see all the little 20 and 30 minute practice sessions recorded in the practice boxes, so I had no reason to doubt him.  After getting through a few books, however, it became apparent that he liked certain songs better than others (um, ONE in particular) so most of his songs were pretty rocky… but the total was still an amusing discovery.

I’m going to take some pictures tomorrow since I noticed I didn’t post any this week.

Frustrated with myself

I feel so overwhelmed lately.  I’m frustrated that I can’t seem to get a handle on life–just when I think I’ve tackled something, I’ve missed something else…  It’s probably just this week.  So much all at once.  But I look forward to when I feel like myself again.  I look forward to being able to multitask well again.  I look forward to sleeping through the night uninterrupted.  I look forward to not showing up places looking frazzled.

At least it’s already Thursday tomorrow.  And that’s a very good thing.

Plus I’ve thoroughly enjoyed seeing all my students again this week.  So many smiling faces–it reminds me why I love what I do so much.  And I’ve been enjoying winding down each night with a quick dip in the hot tub.  I’m definitely getting good use out of it now since I wasn’t able to use it for over a year while I was pregnant.

Oh, and starting next week, I’ll be back to “Wordless Wednesdays” for those who are curious.  🙂

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