Writing about all the big & little things

Category: Friends (Page 6 of 6)

A bit of this and that (rambling)

So it’s Sunday night.  Chloe is finally tucked in bed and JD is just about to take his final short nap for the day.  I thought it was about time to sit down and write something since it’s been a few days.  This week was unusual because I actually didn’t have to leave the house for anything big (like Music Seminars or BSF).  I had planned on going to BSF on Wednesday but Chloe got sick the night before and I didn’t want to contaminate the other kids.  It was strange to stay close to home all week.  We did manage our normal errands (Target, Cub, Sam’s Club, etc.) throughout the week, but it was all at a nice relaxed tempo.

And you would think with all of that “free” time that I would have had so much more time to sit and catch up, but alas, no.  I found myself just as busy as ever.  Funny how that goes, huh?  We did manage a nice walk on Wednesday morning however, since I had planned on being gone.

This weekend has just whizzed by as well.  I got a lot of the cleaning done today (and a great workout!) but I forgot to make any phone calls until now–and now it’s too late…  I meant to call Kylene back today (sorry Sissy!) and I meant to call Mom to find out how her trip went (sorry Mom!) and I meant to call Shannon to see how she’s feeling (sorry Shannon!).  So, you should all know that I had the best of intentions…

In other news, Chloe has developed a cough.  It’s definitely not as barky as it was on Wednesday–now it’s more of a tickle in the throat kind of cough with a runny nose.  I’m pretty sure she’s passed it (or will be passing it) to me.  Lucky me.  Tim is recovering from his cold that lasted for about 2 weeks.  Needless to say, we’ve been drinking a lot of orange juice around here this week.  I guess we weren’t able to bypass all of the sicknesses this fall.  Hopefully this will be the worst of it.

Today a gal at church gave me a homemade sling as a gift.  I’m quite excited to start using it.  I didn’t really have any need for a sling when Chloe was a baby since it was just her.  But I’ve discovered with two kids that I sometimes just don’t have enough hands to hold JD and help Chloe at the same time.  Now, I’m not the kind of Mom that feels the need to hold him all the time, but this will help me be more productive when I do need to.  It’s going to take me a while to get comfortable with it and figure out how to put him in, but I’m excited!

See, isn’t it pretty?

Josiah likes his new sling!

Look my hands are free!

I’m doing the Slim-in-6 workout series.  I’m just finishing the 2nd week and I’m feeling so much better.  It’s amazing how getting back into exercising can make me feel so much more normal.  The first week was pretty tough and I was quite sore, but the second week was amazingly better.  I had a bad eating day today but I know I’m going to have those once in a while and the rest of the week was great, so it’s not all that devastating.  I’ll post my results at the end of the six weeks for those who are curious.

We’re having our annual Pumpkin Party this coming Saturday.  Hopefully it will be gorgeous weather like today.  It’s normally quite chilly so by the time I finish carving my pumpkin, my hands are numb… I’m excited to see everyone again.

Shannon is still doing well and on bed rest at home.  She’s made it to 30 weeks along, though, which is AWESOME!!!  I wouldn’t say she’s feeling great, but the baby is still growing so that’s a blessing.  It’s funny to be so excited about counting the days up that she’s pregnant and not down.   🙂

JD is very close to rolling over.  Tim said he did it once the other night while I was teaching, but I have yet to see it.  He is using his legs for momentum and pulling his arm down and under him but he just can’t quite get himself over.  I expect any day now.

Random Thursday Thoughts…

→→ Shannon has been released from the hospital and is home now–but on bed rest…

→→  I’m having trouble thinking of things I want for Christmas this year.  Strange, huh?

→→  We’re already almost to the middle of October!

→→  I’m back on the weight-loss band wagon.  Boy am I sore this week.

→→  Chloe hurt herself 3 times today.  She must be growing faster than she realizes!

→→  I think I should trim my hair tomorrow.

→→  Tim just told me he thinks he only has about 3 more weeks of work left.

→→  I hope Mom is having a great time on her annual trip with the Senior Center.

→→  I love FALL!!!

→→  I put out my list for those who might be interested in piano contest and 22 have signed up already.

→→  JD has been having a good time sticking his tongue out at me lately.  It’s funny.

→→  Chloe learned how to draw the letter “A” today.

→→  Dende still seems fine.  Strange that he’s not getting any worse…  Has it disappeared?

Scrapbooking with my BFF

I went to St. Cloud yesterday to scrapbook with Shannon.  Of course, when we get together there is a significant portion of time spent “getting ready” to scrapbook.  This usually includes needing to run to the store to pick up supplies, stop and get coffee, organize all of our stuff and then chat chat chat.  🙂  I am happy to say that we did manage to both get some pages done for our scrapbooks.  I’m finally up to 9 months in Chloe’s book, which is exciting.  (Although, to be honest, I haven’t done journaling or labeling on any of the pages, so I’ll have to go back and do all of that still… my main concern is to just get the pages in the book!  I’ve got to start somewhere, right?!)

It was wonderful to just hang out and have some girl time.  She is officially 26 weeks along now and looking delightfully pregnant.  Things are going really great with this pregnancy, which is a tremendous blessing.  We are both always crazy busy as the beginning of the school year since we both start “officially” teaching when school starts.  It takes a few weeks to figure out the routine and let things start falling into place.  So, considering how busy we’ve been I’m glad we were able to carve out some time to catch up.

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