And last but not least–our little Levi. (I know, I know… He’s really not so little anymore. )
He amazes me all the time with something he will say or do. And I’m loving having the chance to be home with him alone while the other kids are off at school. He often says the most interesting things. He’s very observant AND articulate, so that lends to hearing him talk a lot. Some may worry he would be the overshadowed 4th child, but he is determined to not let that be the case.
Of course, he is also loving going to Preschool. He’s already talking about how excited he is to ride the bus to Kindergarten next year.
He loves doing puzzles and pulling out board games to pretend to play. I will admit this frustrates me because he’ll leave games askew all over the house but I do like that he’s interested in figuring out how things work.
Levi also learned to ride his bike with no training wheels earlier this fall. He accomplished this on his very first attempt. Of course. Ha! I found this frustrating because I had to painstakingly help Maddie learn last year and it took me hours. Tim took Levi out and *Boom* first try he’s got it. Oh well. Here’s a video of him minutes after starting! Last kid to move out of training wheels! Whoo hoo!
Whaaat! That is his first try? He looks like he has been riding for months!