Friesen Talk

Writing about all the big & little things

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Levi’s First Haircut!

I finally gave Levi his very first haircut yesterday.  It was time.  The hair by his ears was beginning to curl it was getting so long… and that wasn’t really the look we were going for.  😉

So, as a Mother’s Day gift to myself, I gave him a haircut.  And doesn’t he look so dapper now?  (Before on the Left / After on the Right)

Levi's first haircut R


Of course, cutting it did highlight some of the strange balding he has right now… but that’s just because of how much he rolls back and forth on his head.  I’m sure in just a month or two his hair will have grown back in nicely.

levi's haircut side R

I couldn’t really fix the weird spots very well, since he WAS NOT A fan of the clippers.  You can’t tell from the pictures, but he pretty much cried the whole time.  I remember how hard it was when I started giving Josiah haircuts when he was little… I take it for granted how easy it is to cut Josiah’s hair now!

Josiah’s Last Day of BSF

sign for miss jeanne

Well, that’s it.  Josiah is officially done with BSF.  He was in it as long as he possibly could. I brought him along with me as soon as he was born and he continued through until he is now almost 6 years old.

And he has LOVED. IT.

He has absolutely soaked up the Bible stories and Hymns and lessons, asking questions and commenting on things I never even thought to ask.  I am so happy that he had the opportunity to be in class for so long and I know it will shape him in the future.

So, we gave Miss Jeanne our special gifts and said our goodbye’s.  Such a sweet time.

Josiah and Miss Jeanne R josiah and his flowers

Tim’s new work car

Tim decided it was time to consider getting a new work vehicle since he’s doing so much more driving now.  The truck was great when he was working in the field, but now he’s transitioned to doing mostly the bidding so he’s driving all over the cities and his truck didn’t have the best gas mileage.  So, it was out with the truck and in with…

the cube R

The cube!

Yup.  It’s about as opposite from his truck as you could possibly get.  But in his defense, he didn’t go looking for this vehicle–nor would it have been his first choice (I’m betting!). It turns out the couple (Steve & Sherry)  that used to co-own the business with him has since moved to South Carolina and Steve used to use the cube to do bids back then… and was looking to sell it!  How convenient for us that he was looking to sell it at the same time that Tim was looking to buy a small vehicle.  And it’s so nice to have the piece of mind knowing the previous owner and the vehicle history when buying a used car…

So, now the cube sits in our driveway.  It’s surprisingly spacious.  Although it does feel a bit like a go cart to drive since you’re so low to the ground.  The kids think it’s pretty cool.

A little bit of this, a little bit of that…

  • Tim has been working hard on getting all the finishing details of the patio completed.  He’s down to a final (albeit kind of long) to do list of the tasks left.  It’s always exciting when a big project starts to come to a close!  I can tell he’s pretty exhausted these days from trying to balance work and watching the kids and squeeze in working on the patio in any free moments he has.  I’m sure he’ll be THRILLED to have this done.  Hopefully a big push this weekend and that will be it!
  • Praise the Lord–my PUPPS (or whatever it was) is gone!!!  The prednisone seems to have knocked it out effectively.  It sure had me wound up, though.  I seemed to have an extra dose of energy and went a bit crazy cleaning and being productive.  I felt like I wanted to thoroughly deep clean every nook and cranny of the house… which of course, is not a wise endeavor when I only have a couple hours before teaching each day.   😀  Needless to say, I’m glad to be done with all of that.  Now I’m just back to my normal self.
  • Josiah went on a field trip yesterday with his Preschool class to the Lowry Nature Center.  It was snowing.  Yup.  We dug out the winter hat and mittens before sending him off on the bus.  April sure has had unpredictable weather!  He was beyond excited (and a little nervous he also told me) to ride the bus.  He barely waved goodbye to me, he was so excited.
  • getting on the bus R
  • After the field trip yesterday, one of Josiah’s teachers came up to tell me how sweet he was… she said as they boarded the bus to come home, he stopped at the bus driver and asked her what her name was.  She replied and then he looked right at her and said, “I think you’re the best bus driver EVER.”
  • I ordered a book of pretty piano songs and I’m enjoying playing through it.  They are not particularly hard, but very nice.  I’m always on the lookout of for pretty songs for my students.  Also songs that help work on emoting and “feeling” the line of music.  The book is called “Lyric Moments” by Catherine Rollins.  I ordered the complete collection, so it’s three books combined into one.
  • Chloe has started to play with a neighbor girl after school in the yard.  Her name is Lina.  She’s in 5th grade.  They have a good time playing in the backyard and riding bikes.
  • We only have one more week of BSF left for the year.  Josiah has had the same teacher the entire time he’s been in BSF (since he was born!) so it will be sad to have to say goodbye to wonderful Ms. Jeanne!
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