Writing about all the big & little things

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Pictures from my phone…

I took a few pictures over the weekend that I thought were fun…

First off, dinner on the patio!

Then Levi trying on hats in the store…

Then Logan teaching Josiah how to shoot a bow and arrow for the first time….

Then Maddie enjoying the trampoline at Allison & Logans house and Levi looking through the binoculars…

Goodbye bottles and Maddie’s Nuk!

This weekend was exciting.

We officially threw away all the bottles.  Yes, we have been basically done using them for a while now, but in the morning Tim gets up early with Levi and up until about a month ago he was still enjoying a bottle while all the rest of us were still sleeping.  It really wasn’t necessary, but it was convenient and it kept him occupied and QUIET.  But Tim decided it was time to move him on and up.  So, up and away he went!  His morning bottle has been out of circulation for about a month now, so we finally tossed all the bottles in the cupboard.  And let me tell you, it felt good!  No more washing bottles!  Whoo hoo!

And in other monumental news: We also took away Maddie’s nuk!  Well, actually, after a particularly bad night (of having to get up multiple times to give kids nuks) I decided we needed to be done.  And upon inspection, I discovered that the nuk was actually already starting to break, so I just enlarged the hole so it would be unusable.  We then proceeded to prep her “Maddie is a big girl and doesn’t need any more nuks.  Are you a big girl?  Do you need a nuk?  No!  Yay!”  And wouldn’t you know, it was almost a seamless transition!  There wasn’t a huge breakdown like I thought there would be.  She asked for her nuk and I reminded her that it was broken and yucky, and that was that!  If I had known it would be that easy, I would have done it months ago!  (Well, it probably wouldn’t have been that easy then. Ha!)

The Littles are growing up!

Friday Thoughts

  • It’s May! Tim is on his Mountain Dew fast again (always one month leading up to his Birthday)
  • The nannies started again this week.  The kids are loving it.
  • Tim is full-time working again–the weather warmed up and just like that, people have come out of hibernation and want work done… now!
  • Levi is starting to be more playful and do random things that just make us laugh.
  • We had our last day of BSF this week.  This year was Romans.  Next year is People of the Promised land (Part 1).  It should be good.
  • Chloe had a field trip to Como Zoo today.  It was just gorgeous weather for it.
  • There are only 18 days of school left for the kids!
  • We lost a library book this week.  It’s driving me crazy.  I know Maddie had it last and I just can’t figure out where she tucked it away.  Gah!
  • I think I’ll finally have to mow next week.  It’s so nice to see things finally turning green.
  • Tomorrow we’re heading to St. Cloud for a grad party (for Scott Chilson) and to see Ryan and Steph’s new house!  Fun day!
  • I have an entrance interview on Sunday with the daughter of our old neighbor.  Remember Aggie and Chub?  It’s their daughter (looking for lessons for her daughter)!  Isn’t that fun?
  • I made two kids cry during lessons this week.  I guess I’m pretty mean.  Ha!
  • We think Levi has allergies.  He’s our first one to have them… well, at least that we are aware of.
  • In June I’m going to potty train Maddie and take away her Nuks.  It’s going to be a rough month. 😉
  • I’m dying to try the new drink at Caribou Coffee that’s called Caramel Cooler with Bubbles (chewy coconut bubbles)  what even are those?  I’m intrigued.

My rainbow dress

When I was a kid I remember loving certain articles of clothing.

I can vividly recall specific things that made me feel so good when I would wear them.  I can still picture some of them in my mind:  tan corduroy pants, a blue flower dress, my Mickey mouse T-shirt, a green skirt with buttons all the way down the front, a floor lengthy skirt with oriental looking flowers on it, and we can’t forget all the tye-dyed clothes.  Pretty much all of those were my favorite.

When I was much younger, I remember loving a special rainbow dress.  I’m pretty sure I wore it all the time.  It felt so fun to run and spin in.  The fabric would swoosh out in a huge circle when I would twirl.  It just felt good to wear.  And it made me feel good when I would wear it.

Or on those cooler summer days, I used to love wearing shorts with a sweatshirt.  My legs would be a little chilly but it would be balanced out by having a large snuggly sweatshirt.

And then I grew up.

I can’t remember the last time I’ve worn something just because I like the way it feels on me.  Most of the time I’m just trying to find something in my closet that flatters me–or at least hides the parts I want hidden.  When I shop I’m too stingy economical to buy regular priced clothes, so I’m constantly shopping off the clearance racks.

I long for the day I put on an outfit and FEEL good in it again.  I long to find the joy in just enjoying how it feels.  When I looked back at my list of favorite clothes I was struck by how many of those things were dresses or skirts.  I want to wear those again!

So, I’m on a mission.  A mission to lose some weight, and start looking for clothes that I actually love.  To start making a conscious effort to think about what I want to wear, not just what I have to wear.  I know that 90% of my struggle is linked with weight, but there is a small percentage that is purging the clothes that don’t make me feel good and stop buying items that I don’t love.  This will take me a while, I know.  But it’s time to start.

“C” Day!

The kids are doing an ABC countdown to the end of the school year.  Both kids have separate lists, so that’s why you’ll see two different themes listed.  There are a few rare days, when they both have the same theme, but most of the days are different.

A day (Animal / Art), B day (Beach / Baseball) and today was C day (Career / Color).

So… Josiah told me days ago that he wanted to be a Jungle adventurer when he grows up. Say wha?  I know!  I’m not sure where he got that idea (no, he hasn’t watched Jumangi with me!).  We went with the theme and I decided to call him a Safari Guide in order to make it a “real” profession.


And Chloe went all out with her favorite color…

They girls even painted their nails purple before school.  I love this picture of Chloe showing Maddie how to blow on her nails until they dry.   

S.P.A.C. night 2018

Sun Path Academic Celebration.

It happens every spring. It’s the night that parents can come into the school and see some of the artwork displayed around the school and students can submit their own special art and the evening ends with the 5th grade band concert.  It’s not a huge deal, but the kids enjoy getting to walk around the school and point out their art.  And every year up until now I’ve had to teach on SPAC night.  But this year I had an opening before supper so I moved my after supper lesson which gave us just enough time to zip over there and take a few pictures.  It was quite chaotic and we really should have brought the stroller since Levi is heavy.

But it was still fun.

Enjoying the deck

Eating apples on the deck enjoying some sun!

The deck is our new favorite place.  I absolutely love having an attached deck that the kids can play on while I’m cleaning or making lunch or just sitting in the kitchen.  Levi’s favorite activity is opening and closing the screen door… which is fine now, but won’t be as fun when the bugs all come back.  Hopefully he’ll have moved on to something else by then.  😉

We added a gate at the top of the deck steps outside so they Littles can play out there without my worrying that they’ll fall down the steps or get into mud or any other fun things available in the yard.  That gate is wonderful.  I love it.  Plus, as a bonus it will work for dogs, so someday (not anytime soon, so don’t get your hopes up) when we perhaps get another dog, it will be nice.

Isn’t it funny how the things we love most about our houses change over time?  I suppose it makes sense since the things that you’re using on a regular basis will change as they get older.

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