The kids are doing an ABC countdown to the end of the school year. Both kids have separate lists, so that’s why you’ll see two different themes listed. There are a few rare days, when they both have the same theme, but most of the days are different.
A day (Animal / Art), B day (Beach / Baseball) and today was C day (Career / Color).
So… Josiah told me days ago that he wanted to be a Jungle adventurer when he grows up. Say wha? I know! I’m not sure where he got that idea (no, he hasn’t watched Jumangi with me!). We went with the theme and I decided to call him a Safari Guide in order to make it a “real” profession.
And Chloe went all out with her favorite color…
They girls even painted their nails purple before school. I love this picture of Chloe showing Maddie how to blow on her nails until they dry.
That is an adorable picture of big and little sister enjoying a moment. I love the way Maddie looks at Chloe with such trust and respect!