Writing about all the big & little things

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Tuesday Thoughts

Looks like we’re due for another bullet point post!

  • Another warm day here! (up to 60 again!)
  • Contest season is starting this Sunday… I have volunteers coming in the afternoon to help get stuff set up.
  • Levi found his feet today.
  • Josiah has a tickle cough (nothing too serious), but it had him coughing so much last night as he was trying to fall asleep that he started to throw up from coughing so much.  Ugh.  Not what you want in the middle of the night.
  • Which brings me to my next point = how AMAZING Tim is.  He brought Josiah downstairs in the middle of the night and slept on the couch with him so everyone could sleep.  (Well, I guess everyone except him!)
  • Moana came out today on Amazon Video.  We love Moana.  Very funny.
  • The kids didn’t have school yesterday so Tim took the older kids to see the new Batman Lego Movie.  The kids loved it.
  • I had the piano tuned today.  Ahhhhh…. so nice to have octaves sound like ONE note again.  😉
  • Chloe earned a personal pan pizza certificate today at school for “getting caught being kind”.  She’s a keeper!
  • I made a delicious cheescake on Sunday.  It was too delicious…. I may have had two slices… Then I told Tim he had to eat the rest.  Which he did.
  • Maddie loves having her hair done.  Especially adding bows to the top of her head.  It’s the cutest thing ever.
  • Our neighbors with the gorgeous silver great dane just got another great dane puppy!  So adorable!  And a girl this time (same silver color).  I’ll have to snap a picture.
  • I finished another painting.  Picture coming soon!

Happy Birthday Kylene!

kids wishing kylene happy birthday R

Chloe made the sign (sorry I cut it off a little). This is an example of how hard it is to get all 4 kids smiling nicely at the same time… haha!

It’s February!  And that’s a big birthday month!

Sadly, I’ve missed wishing Kristen and Krista a Happy Birthday (So,… um, Happy LATE Birthday to you guys!) but I finally remembered one!  So, a very Happy B-Day to my lovely sister!  I hope your day is filled with cake and elephants and relaxing and fun!  🙂


Too nice outside right now to write a post

That’s right, folks… it’s in the 60’s here today.

The SIXTIES!  That’s really warm for here.  And February.

So, we’re spending the day enjoying the sunshine on the patio and riding scooters and opening the windows and turning off the furnace.  Because we know full well, that this isn’t going to last.  😉  Gotta enjoy it while we can!

Valentine’s Day 2017

We love Valentine’s Day in this house!  And I’m happy to say it’s not about getting gifts (as is the common thread about Holidays we tend to love).  In this case it’s about getting to do things “Valentine-y!”  Which really just means, doing as much as possible throughout our day revolving around hearts.  And of course, we put out our sweet decorations to make the house festive.  🙂

valentines kids R chloes lunch R chocolate cake R emoji R entryway decoration R heart banner R heart lunch R heart pancakes R heart pizza R heart watermellon R maddie and me R sweet potato hearts R table decoration R valentines breakfast R

Monday already?

I do still plan on writing about the Super Bowl snack stadium, but I’m having a hard time finding time these past couple days.

Over the past week we’ve had croup, throwing up and low grade fevers speckled through our house.  Nothing serious, more annoying than anything.  We started the catnip tea regiment with Levi and a little with Josiah since he seemed to have a suspicious cough, which cut out the “barking” cough.  I can totally handle colds and runny noses and fevers and other sicknesses but NOT breathing issues.  When that “barking” cough appears and it brings the constriction of the airway, it really freaks me out.  It’s a good thing none of my kids have asthma issues (knock on wood) or I would be a total wreck!

In other news Patsy had her surgery this morning to remove the cancerous lump in her breast.  All went well.  No complications, which is a relief.  Prayers for a speedy recovery.

And finally, we are enjoying unseasonably warm weather these past couple of days (today it was almost 50*!!!).  Almost all of the snow has melted away. I know it’s only February, but it’s hard to not get your hopes up for Spring… I’m sure we’ll get another big snow fall or two.  But for now, I’ll just enjoy not needing to zip my coat!  😉


Yet another trip to Urgent Care…

Well, we were back at urgent care tonight after my lessons.  Levi has a barky cough and serious constriction when he breathes (especially when he gets worked up from laughing or crying).  It just started this morning and by tonight if he starts crying it’s super hard for him to try and catch a breath.   We were worried if we didn’t get it checked we would end up having to take him in, in the middle of the night.

So, into urgent care we went.  Nothing serious (which we guessed) but they think it’s croup and gave him an oral steroid to help the inflammation of his airway.  So, an hour and a half later we were back home.

16667212_10154525202724102_986544700_o He wasn’t unhappy at all while we were there.  He happily sucked on his fingers and babbled away.  Pretty funny–you wouldn’t guess there was anything wrong with him!

Josiah’s “fancy” handwriting

When emptying Josiah’s backpack from school today I happened across a worksheet that he had signed his name on the back.  It made me chuckle.  See how he’s embellished the letters?  Apparently he’s working on making his letters fancy. (My favorite is how he tried to make the H fancy, but it’s pretty much just straight lines, so he decided to swirl the middle…haha!)  I know I do fancy writing all the time, but I didn’t know he had noticed.   Apparently he did!


Whirlwind Weekend

This weekend just flew by.

As most of you already know, we had our SuperBowl party here yesterday:  We anticipated 18 adults and 24 kids.  That’s a lot of people.  Sadly one family came down with a nasty bug and had to stay home, so it brought our numbers down to 16 adults and 23 kids which was still A LOT of bodies in the house.  The food stadium was a smashing success and I’ll write more about that later this week.  So we spent most of Saturday and the early afternoon on Sunday getting the house cleaned and prepped for that…

Then on Saturday morning I attended the funeral of the Father of a family I teach.  They have 3 kids (6th grade down to 3rd grade) and I have them all in lessons.  I’ve had them for a number of years now–they are a simply delightful family.  Their dad was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer a year ago and sadly lost his battle this past weekend.  This family has a special place in my heart especially since they are heavily involved in music in Shakopee.  He will be sorely missed.  His obituary was a wonderful tribute to him–in case you are interested I’m putting the link below (just copy and paste into your browser).



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