Looks like we’re due for another bullet point post!
- Another warm day here! (up to 60 again!)
- Contest season is starting this Sunday… I have volunteers coming in the afternoon to help get stuff set up.
- Levi found his feet today.
- Josiah has a tickle cough (nothing too serious), but it had him coughing so much last night as he was trying to fall asleep that he started to throw up from coughing so much. Ugh. Not what you want in the middle of the night.
- Which brings me to my next point = how AMAZING Tim is. He brought Josiah downstairs in the middle of the night and slept on the couch with him so everyone could sleep. (Well, I guess everyone except him!)
- Moana came out today on Amazon Video. We love Moana. Very funny.
- The kids didn’t have school yesterday so Tim took the older kids to see the new Batman Lego Movie. The kids loved it.
- I had the piano tuned today. Ahhhhh…. so nice to have octaves sound like ONE note again. 😉
- Chloe earned a personal pan pizza certificate today at school for “getting caught being kind”. She’s a keeper!
- I made a delicious cheescake on Sunday. It was too delicious…. I may have had two slices… Then I told Tim he had to eat the rest. Which he did.
- Maddie loves having her hair done. Especially adding bows to the top of her head. It’s the cutest thing ever.
- Our neighbors with the gorgeous silver great dane just got another great dane puppy! So adorable! And a girl this time (same silver color). I’ll have to snap a picture.
- I finished another painting. Picture coming soon!
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