I do still plan on writing about the Super Bowl snack stadium, but I’m having a hard time finding time these past couple days.

Over the past week we’ve had croup, throwing up and low grade fevers speckled through our house.  Nothing serious, more annoying than anything.  We started the catnip tea regiment with Levi and a little with Josiah since he seemed to have a suspicious cough, which cut out the “barking” cough.  I can totally handle colds and runny noses and fevers and other sicknesses but NOT breathing issues.  When that “barking” cough appears and it brings the constriction of the airway, it really freaks me out.  It’s a good thing none of my kids have asthma issues (knock on wood) or I would be a total wreck!

In other news Patsy had her surgery this morning to remove the cancerous lump in her breast.  All went well.  No complications, which is a relief.  Prayers for a speedy recovery.

And finally, we are enjoying unseasonably warm weather these past couple of days (today it was almost 50*!!!).  Almost all of the snow has melted away. I know it’s only February, but it’s hard to not get your hopes up for Spring… I’m sure we’ll get another big snow fall or two.  But for now, I’ll just enjoy not needing to zip my coat!  😉