Writing about all the big & little things

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My week was a blur

So it’s Friday today.  I’ve been thinking one day ahead of myself all week–so yesterday I thought it was Friday and then when I woke up today (thinking it was Saturday) I was bummed to have to go through another Friday!  I’ve been in a fog with my cold.  I’m not bed-ridden or anything, but it just makes me extra sleepy and “off” so my days have all mushed together.  Evidenced by my completely spacing on my “Wordless Wednesday” post!  Oooops!

On a positive note, I’m feeling much better.  I was surprised I even caught this cold with the amount of spinach and grapefruit I’ve been eating lately–chalked full of good nutrients and vitamin C… bummer.  But I’m happy to be on the upswing after only a couple of days.

This week was also strange because Tim was asked on Tuesday if he could drive to Michigan on Thursday to pick up some chairs for church.  It is a 20 hour drive round trip–so he was planning to leave early in the morning and just go straight there and back, getting home just after midnight.  He was all psyched to go and then a huge snowstorm moved in on MI and cancelled his plans on Wednesday evening.  We had everything lined up and I had mentally prepared myself to have him gone and the nanny was coming and everything, and then he didn’t go.   Ugh.   So, now we’re trying to figure out a different day for him to go.  Right now the tentative plan is maybe this Sunday/Monday or perhaps next Sunday/Monday.  If he could do it one of those days he might be able to crash at a relatives house on Sunday night so he could at least sleep in between the long hours of driving… It’s so much time to be driving alone…

Happy late Birthday to both of my Sister-in-Law’s:  Krista & Kristen.  This is the Birthday month of “K” apparently!  (Kylene’s Birthday is also later this month)  Happy Birthday to all of you lovely ladies–I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful family and I hope you each enjoy(ed) your special day!  🙂

In other news, all of my lessons after supper have cancelled for tonight, so we’re going to get together with some friends from church and go out for supper.  Isn’t that weird?  We never go out to eat for supper on a weeknight!  Haha!  🙂  We’re livin’ it up over here!

Oh, and before I go, here is a picture in honor of missing my Wordless Wednesday post here is a random picture of crazy JD these days:

Crazy Kid!

Crazy Kid!

Piano Contest Results!

I just got back my piano contest results for the Preliminaries this year. I had 18 students decide to participate and 8 have moved on to the finals! Actually 9 won, but one of them is too young to actually advance, so she just gets a certificate. 🙂 I’m so happy for my students–winners and non-winners alike!

But now it’s late on a Tuesday night and I have Bible Study in the morning and I need to quick finish my homework… hehe! So, I’m off!

And then… I got a nasty cold!

I was just celebrating a couple of days ago that the sickness streak had made its way through and everyone was on the mend… why would I jinx myself like that? Grrr…

Anyway yesterday I woke up with a terrible head cold. Nothing serious. Just severe head congestion, runny nose, sneezing, etc. Oh, and I SOUND hilarious. Some of my students commented… haha!

I’m seriously considering a neti pot… any thoughts?

Sunday night

We finally got some snow today–and it was quite beautiful.  We even all headed outside after supper and spent some time playing/shoveling/”bobcat-ing” the snow.  The kids LOVED being outside and it was a nice work out since the snow was quite heavy.  I’m happy to have snow.  I enjoy getting snow when it’s cold–I figure if it’s cold it might as well be pretty!  🙂

In other news I got to spend the afternoon hanging out with Shannon yesterday.  Wet met up for coffee in the cities and then went window shopping–it was so much fun!  A little girl time really does wonders to lift my spirits!  🙂

Funny Face Video!

The other day he made this face and I wasn’t sure if it was real or pretend. He continued to make it for a few more minutes and had me just rolling on the floor with laughter. Tim hadn’t seen it yet, so I tried to capture it on video to no avail. Then two nights ago he did it again and this time Tim was at the table with us. It is definitely a face he does to get a reaction. He had me laughing so hard I was crying! Something about the way his little eyebrows go up or the way he holds the pose–I don’t know what I find so humorous about it, but it gets me every time!

I must admit it is much funnier in person, but this gives you an idea of what I’m talking about. In the video you have to wait until we start counting to really see the good funny face–when we first start he’s not really into it yet. 🙂

Yowsa! It’s cold outside!

You know it’s cold when you don’t expect to even get out of the negatives… Right now it’s -6 but with the wind it feels like -26. That’s cold.

Chloe and I braved the cold to head to the gym (which, by the way, went really well!) but our walk back to the car, sweaty, was NOT pleasant! It’s mostly the wind that just digs into your skin and makes you want to cry…

In other news, Josiah is doing marginally better today. He has bouts of really good and then really bad. He was in a lot of pain last night and couldn’t fall asleep–we think it might have been a sinus headache because he kept rubbing his nose and when we would lay him flat he would get worse. After we gave him more medicine and it kicked in, he was able to get back to sleep, so that was a blessing.

Home from church this morning…

Josiah has a fever–so he and I are home from church this morning. I was hopeful that we could make it through this battlefield of sickness without really catching anything, but alas, I was wrong. It came on fast and furious. Within 4 hours on Friday night (between his afternoon nap and going to bed) he developed a cough with definite “gunk” in his lungs. By yesterday morning he had a fever and still has it today. Despite having a fever, however, his mood isn’t too disrupted except that his facial expression are much less exaggerated. You can tell he doesn’t have as much energy (and looks downright miserable), but for the most part seems pretty happy.

No one else has any symptoms….yet. 🙂

Skinny Saturdays!

In an effort to keep myself motivated throughout the weekend I have deemed my posts on Saturdays henceforth to be known as “Skinny Saturday’s!”  (Haha! You all know what a sucker I am for alliterations! ;))  Yup, I will post something to do with exercise or healthy food or something along those lines.

Today’s post is simply encouragement.


This reminds me that it may be a slow process, but a year from now I can look back and know that I’ve been moving in the right direction.  Even if I take baby steps in this weight loss journey, I’m still ever so slowly inching in the right direction.  So in a year I’ll definitely be able to see progress!

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