Ooops! Here’s the video I meant to post but apparently deleted by accident… Haha!
Writing about all the big & little things
Ooops! Here’s the video I meant to post but apparently deleted by accident… Haha!
Today is our annual pumpkin party. It should be fun–I hope it warms up enough for the kids to play out side, and for our fingers to stay thawed as we carve our pumpkins! Every year the kid count gets higher and higher, stretching our tiny house to it’s max limits. I think this year we’re up to 9 adults and 8 kids. I remember the days when there were no kids and we could leave the carving knives on the ground when we were done. Haha! But it’s all for the sake of fun with friends so it’s totally worth it. 🙂 Tim did point out last night that this could potentially be our last pumpkin party in this house, though… isn’t that exciting?!
I’ll take a bunch of pictures (of course!) and upload them hopefully tomorrow or Monday. I usually need a day to recover and clean after a big event. But for now I need to get back to cleaning and making cider and getting the pulled BBQ sandwiches going and a pie in the oven… you know, stuff like that!
I hope you all have a FANTASTIC Saturday!
I’ve been told by numerous piano students that the “biggest candy store ever!” is just down the road in Jordan. Well, being a candy connoisseur myself, I decided to look into this tasty bit of information.
And I discovered they were right! I have yet to get there–that’s on the docket for this week–but below is a link to a wonderful article (I suggest you give it a read) on the store. And it’s literally 20 minutes from my doorstep! How have I never been there before? (P.S. I’m un-linking this because I’m getting spam on this post…)
We have our next adventure ready–I’ll let you know how it goes!
The time has finally come.
Tim and I are starting to look ahead to possibly looking to move. Still in town here and not too soon–probably this summer at the EARLIEST. It’s become very apparent to us that we’re going to have to rely on God and wait on his timing. We will still take quite a bit of a loss on our current house if we were to sell now and that’s tough if we’re also looking to try and buy another. Suddenly having to cover the loss on this house and think about a down payment on our next house adds up to a HUGE amount of money that we don’t just have sitting around.
But it’s all a process. So we’re starting to look at what needs to be completed on this house in order to get it ready to sell. And I’m starting to slowly detach myself from this house. I know I complain about our tiny, old house all the time, but I’m strangely attached to our very first home. So, as we start to look at other houses I’ve started to make lists in my head of “Things I will Miss” and “Things I WILL NOT Miss” about this house. 🙂
I’m trying to keep myself in check about house hunting. It’s all very exciting and I tend to get a bit too gung-ho and want to get things moving right now! So, it’s taking a bit of self-control. But I’m also enjoying looking at houses and imagining different floor plans and simply enjoying the possibilities of our next step. We’ll see what God has in store!
I made these cookies this past weekend for a Women’s Bible Study I’m leading at church. They were scrumptious AND beautiful. 🙂 I had been waiting to make them for a few weeks and this gave me the perfect opportunity. So, we munched on yummy cookies and sipped apple cider and had a lovely time.
In other news life here is good. Chloe was gone at my folks house the end of last week and I thought I would have a ton of time to get things done with only one kid in tow instead of two… but alas, I was wrong again. The days flew by and the weekend flew by even faster, if that is possible! So, here we are again, back on Tuesday. I had my final Tuesday morning seminar today, so I’m very excited to be done with those. I always learn such interesting things at the seminars and I get to connect with other piano teachers in the area which is so much fun. But, I’m glad to done. Well, done until next year! 🙂
I hope you are all enjoying this fine fall day!
Some nights are harder than others. Some nights my darling children just need a break.
They love each other, but after fighting, yelling, singing, dancing, tickling, pulling, and laughing at each other there comes a point where we ALL need some peace and quiet. That’s where an episode of Blues Clues does the trick.
And when they’re snuggled in next to each other watching intently, it’s somehow hard to remember all the yelling and noise from before. 🙂
Josiah has been under the weather (throwing up earlier in the week) but he seems to finally be fine today. That means I’ve had to miss all of my appointments in the mornings this week to stay home with a sick boy. It’s not all bad–he’s a bit more cuddly than normal, and I’ve been able to do more school work with Chloe. However, I’m bummed I had to miss things I had hoped to go to… Anyway, since I don’t have much to talk about I thought I would post a funny item I found the other day.
It’s a USB Hub. Isn’t it cute? I immediately thought of my geeky family (and I mean that it the most loving way ;)).
For those of you drooling… it’s expensive, but available from
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