The time has finally come.
Tim and I are starting to look ahead to possibly looking to move. Still in town here and not too soon–probably this summer at the EARLIEST. It’s become very apparent to us that we’re going to have to rely on God and wait on his timing. We will still take quite a bit of a loss on our current house if we were to sell now and that’s tough if we’re also looking to try and buy another. Suddenly having to cover the loss on this house and think about a down payment on our next house adds up to a HUGE amount of money that we don’t just have sitting around.
But it’s all a process. So we’re starting to look at what needs to be completed on this house in order to get it ready to sell. And I’m starting to slowly detach myself from this house. I know I complain about our tiny, old house all the time, but I’m strangely attached to our very first home. So, as we start to look at other houses I’ve started to make lists in my head of “Things I will Miss” and “Things I WILL NOT Miss” about this house. 🙂
I’m trying to keep myself in check about house hunting. It’s all very exciting and I tend to get a bit too gung-ho and want to get things moving right now! So, it’s taking a bit of self-control. But I’m also enjoying looking at houses and imagining different floor plans and simply enjoying the possibilities of our next step. We’ll see what God has in store!
Yay yay yay!!!!! I LOVED house hunting. I’m sort of glad we didn’t find our house right away because we were able to go through so many. We saw some nice houses and now have some really good stories from the not-so-good houses. I’ll be praying for you!
Are you looking at existing houses or are you planning on building? Sounds exciting!
Oh, how I understand what you are going through. It is so hard to be patient and practical and stead-fast about what you need, when you see houses that are better than where you are. I actually made myself a point system when we were thinking of moving to Cameron. And I required a certain number of points in order to really consider it. Some came close, but not quite enough. So we didn’t buy. But it was really hard, because I really wanted out of where I was.
I’ll be praying for you.