Writing about all the big & little things

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My new amazing dryer.

It’s a funny story.

A week ago Tim and I were hanging out in the living room after I finished teaching for the night.  It was unusual, because we were both sitting quietly doing our own thing.  No T.V. on and no computer shows.   Just quiet.

Out of nowhere Tim says, “Did you hear that?”



“um… Oh!  I can hear it now!  What is that?”

After much debate and listening and knocking on the walls and going upstairs and then back down… we determined there was something in our ceiling.  We’re not sure what.  It sounded a lot bigger than it probably was… but it kinda freaked us out.

I was envisioning a giant squirrel.  Who was going to somehow make his way out of the vent and into our bedroom that night as we slept.  Crazy?  Well, maybe–but I’m telling you it sounded big!

Apparently I wasn’t the only one with a crazy imagination because Tim slept HORRIBLY that night.  He kept waking up at every sound thinking it was the animal–finally finding it’s way out of the ceiling somewhere else in the house.

Trust me this is part of the story of our new dryer.  At this point you’re probably thinking “what?” but hang in there.

So, Tim slept HORRIBLY.  And I slept quite poorly since he slept badly.  So first thing the next morning Tim announces that he’s going to Lowe’s to buy rodent poison and he’s going to screw the heating vents to the floor (just to be safe).  🙂

In a bit of a hurry, he made his way into Lowe’s and picked out all the items he wanted.  On a whim, he decided to walk down the clearance appliance aisle just to see what was there…

…and there it was.  This amazing dryer.   And at an amazing price.

So he called me.  We talked about it for a bit and decided that we could make another trip back to the store so I could look at it too.    It really was as nice at it looked in the picture he had sent to my phone.  All of the other clearance items were open box / floor models, but this one had a note saying there was another one in the back new and in the box.  We talked to the salesman to make sure it would be the same price as listed on the floor model even though it was new and he said, “yup, it’s that price, oh and don’t forget that it qualifies for the additional 20% off, too.”  We smiled and said thanks (and pretended like we already knew that) and then walked away.  When out of ear shot we both looked at each other with the same, “did you hear that?  TWENTY % off the price listed?  That’s AWESOME!”

So, we decided it was too good of a deal to pass up.  Our washer and dryer have been a headache since we moved in (if you’ve been keeping up with my blog, you can probably recall how many times I’ve talked about the repair man coming again and again and again to fix different things).  So we are delighted to have a reliable machine again!

This is actually the dryer from my “dream laundry room.”  In my mind my dream laundry room would look a little something like this…

I just adore the clean look and natural light!

And since I know you’re all dying to know… The price of the dryer was originally $1,000.  The cheapest Tim could find it online was $850.  We bought it for $370 including taxes, delivery AND haul-away!  If we move in the near future we are DEFINITELY taking it with us!  🙂

So, to recap.  Quiet evening = animal invasion = trip to Lowe’s = amazingly cheap dryer.

First tooth!

JD just loves his feet!

It’s official.  Josiah has his very first tooth.  It popped through (on the bottom) yesterday.   It might explain why he’s been so LOUD lately.  He’s not necessarily unhappy, just exceptionally loud.  Sometimes I’m amazed at how much volume can come from such a small person!

He’s been chewing on his feet more lately–he seems to just love that.   Tim will put him in his lap (like the picture above) and he’ll just play with his feet, happy as a lark.   I suppose chewing on them probably felt good on his sore gums… I wouldn’t know.  🙂


It was a lovely weekend.   It went by quickly, but it was fun.  Saturday I volunteered at the piano contest and ended up sitting next to an old crown buddy–and we just chatted the afternoon away.  Then this morning we had church… then I went up to St. Cloud to visit Shannon for the afternoon.  We had a delightful time–it’s been a while since we had a “coffee date!”  I also got to hang out with Xavi (who is at that adorable age between 1 & 2 that I just love…) and baby Bailey (who even smiled at me!).  All in all, it was a great weekend.

Now to bed, so I can get ready for another full week.  I’m so anxious to find out how my students did at the contest this weekend… but I won’t find out the results until at least Tuesday.  Ah.  Waiting is so hard!

Under the weather

Sorry I haven’t written for a couple of days.   Yesterday and today I’ve been feeling yucky and this weekend Tim was under the weather.  Luckily JD and Chloe are completely over (knock on wood) their minor colds.

Anyway, that’s why I haven’t written.

I can’t believe it’s already January 24th!  Where has this month gone?  This coming weekend is the big piano contest preliminaries that a bunch of my students are taking part in.  I have 21 students competing.  (I had 22 but one pulled out last week…)  So, this is a really bad week for me to get sick–I need to hear those contest songs one more time!  😉

I spent 45 min. tonight going through and trying to update my waiting list b/c I have a coupe slots to fill.  It’s a daunting process since I have names on there from 2010… I’m sure they’ve found a different teacher by now, but I still feel it’s my duty to call since I told them I would.  Anyway, it’s been on my “to do” list for months, and since I felt motivated to work on it tonight I jumped on that.

Tomorrow morning is Shannon’s surgery.  She’s on my mind tonight…


I saw this the other day and thought it was so unexpected and fun!

Edible Smiles!

Such a neat idea–and so easy!  Apple slices, peanut butter and mini marshmallows.  🙂  I’m going to have to try this!

6 Months Old

Josiah had his 6 month check-up this morning.  I can’t believe it’s been SIX months already!  He’s starting to look so “grown up” all of a sudden–it’s so fun!   He is a ray of sunshine and seeing his face light up when he sees me just makes my day.  Those giant chubby cheeks are fantastic.

Here were his specs from this morning (he’s healthy and big–no surprise to any of us! :))

~ Weight:  22 pounds, 7 ounces (98%)

~ Height:  28 1/4 inches (95%)

And, just for fun, here are the things he’s able to do right now:

~ roll from his stomach to his back (and vice versa)

~ grab toys and play with them

~ just about sit on his own (he still flops over once in a while)

~ stand while holding our hands (although when he gets excited he starts to flail about)

~ babble (he seems partial to “ba ba ba”)

~ also he has a grip of STEEL.  🙂  Watch out if you let him get a hold of your hair!

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