Josiah had his 6 month check-up this morning. I can’t believe it’s been SIX months already! He’s starting to look so “grown up” all of a sudden–it’s so fun! He is a ray of sunshine and seeing his face light up when he sees me just makes my day. Those giant chubby cheeks are fantastic.
Here were his specs from this morning (he’s healthy and big–no surprise to any of us! :))
~ Weight: 22 pounds, 7 ounces (98%)
~ Height: 28 1/4 inches (95%)
And, just for fun, here are the things he’s able to do right now:
~ roll from his stomach to his back (and vice versa)
~ grab toys and play with them
~ just about sit on his own (he still flops over once in a while)
~ stand while holding our hands (although when he gets excited he starts to flail about)
~ babble (he seems partial to “ba ba ba”)
~ also he has a grip of STEEL. 🙂 Watch out if you let him get a hold of your hair!
I have that same sweatshirt! 🙂 Erica’s, not Josiah’s
Haha! I just assumed it was the same as Josiah’s… 😉
So Cute!!!! I love his smile.