Writing about all the big & little things

Category: Josiah (Page 1 of 17)

Wednesday: A trip to the E.R.




*Sorry, I had to postpone the post about my amazing surprise party–but I promise it’s coming tomorrow!!!*

Josiah and I made a trip to the E.R. this afternoon.  He has been complaining of abdominal pain for the last few days that seemed to come and go at random times.  For the past two nights he’s woken me up in the middle of the night complaining of terrible pain.  I thought it might be constipation, but after monitoring that situation, it didn’t seem to be the cause…

Normally after a nap he would start to bounce back.  But today he didn’t… after his nap he was still complaining and refusing to stand up straight.  So we decided it was time to go in and make sure it wasn’t something more serious (like appendix).  And after 2 hours in the E.R. and an X-ray we discovered… it’s nothing.

It could be a possible slight back up in his colon, or it could be a slight virus.

So, we’re starting a prescription tomorrow for the virus to see if that clears it up.

He didn’t mind the visit at all.  In fact he thought the X-ray machine was awesome.  And he really liked being rolled down the hallway on the hospital bed.  I unfortunately threw out my hips from sitting on the hard waiting room chairs for so long…  so I think a call to the chiropractor is in my near future.  But I’m at least relieved it wasn’t anything more serious for Josiah.

Paths through the grass

When I was young we lived on a hobby farm with a lot of property.  It was a charming house with some outbuildings and kennel that my parents built.  We had many acres of woods, tons of grassy space near the house and a river running behind our property.   I’m not entirely sure how big the grassy space was exactly, because, let’s face it, kids don’t care about property size.  We really only start to care about those things as we get older and start wanting to buy a house with property…  But it was a lot of grass.

We kids rarely mowed the lawn.  That was something Mom did.  She enjoyed it–or at least that’s what I remember thinking.  There came a point in our lives that we were allowed to learn how to mow that grass and I remember thinking that was so cool.   It was a right of passage into being a teenager or something.  Either way, I thought it was so awesome to be able to mow that lawn.   Which is why, now, as an adult I’m happy to mow our own lawn.   Plus I just love the satisfaction of straight lines and a tidy lawn when I’m done.  It’s so pretty.  And I get the added bonus of getting to do it all over again in a few days!  Oh, and of course, don’t forget the exercise that comes along with it.

But when we were younger and couldn’t mow yet, I vividly recall chasing my Mom or Dad around the back yard as they rode the riding lawn mower.  Each swipe back and forth with the mower would create a new exciting path through the grass that we could chase each other down.  Of course, we had to be careful not to get to close, or you could get in trouble… but that didn’t stop us from running along those magical paths, letting or imaginations run wild.  It was a path to the magical kingdom.  Or a path through a scary jungle with animals lurking on every side.  Or a path that was filled with fish so we had to swim carefully around them.

Today as I mowed the lawn Chloe asked me to make some paths through the grass.  At first I said no.  It would ruin my beautiful straight lines I had been working so hard on.  But then I remembered my childhood paths through the grass and I decided my lines weren’t as important.  So I zigzagged swoopy lines up and down the grass in crazy designs.  And while I finished mowing the grass, slowly eating away at those magical paths as I went, the kids ran and played up and down laughing and running back and forth.  It made me smile.

Happy with their own paths through the grass.


Happy Birthday Josiah (FIVE!!!)

Today was Josiah’s FIFTH Birthday.  There has been much exclaiming and counting down to this day.


Josiah was most excited about the decorations.  He even said to me, “tomorrow when I wake up, I will wait in bed for a little bit so Dad has time to put up some decorations for me.”  Which is doubly funny to me, since Tim is not the one who puts up any decorations… When he did come bounding down the stairs I was too tired to get out of bed (which I regret now) but Tim said he made his way around the house “oooohing” and “aaahhhing” over each decoration that was set out.   And tonight before bed I asked if he wanted any more pictures and he wanted to go around the house and take pictures of himself by every decoration.  🙂

birthday decorations R

Unfortunately, since today was Tuesday, I had to teach all day, so Alisa (our Nanny) suggested that she take the kids to the pool/sand beach here in town as a special activity.  He was thrilled with that suggestion.  We were a little nervous since rain was in the forecast this morning, but it held off and they were able to go and have a good time.

They got back right at supper time, so we quick had Pizza (his meal choice), opened some gifts and had cake before I had to go back to teaching.   He got his dream toy (that he had seen on the back of a hot wheels set that he picked out for his friend Zeke a month ago and had been longing to have ever since) the Nitrobot Attack Set along with a few other stellar gifts.  That boy cracks me up so much.  Everything he opens he is so incredibly happy about.  It’s wonderful.

nitrobot attack set R

Nitrobot Attack Set

It was a stunning blue cake inside!

It was a stunning blue cake inside!

Big Hero 6 and Bullseye!

Big Hero 6 and Bullseye!

Since it was his 5th Birthday that also meant that he could FINALLY have pop for the first time!  Tim actually gave him a sip of Mountain Dew and Root Beer this morning after breakfast.  He came running to tell me that he had it and I asked if he like it.  He said yes, but that it was very spicy.  (Tim said he couldn’t drink it very fast).

5 years old and can now drink pop R

Drinking Pop!!

And, of course, we did his Birthday questions as well…

Josiah Birthday questions 5

The biggest excitement of the day, however, was his gift that he was able to open this morning at breakfast.  We decided it was time to let him have his own little tablet.  We got it on a really good deal.  So good of a deal, in fact, that we decided to buy one for Chloe for her birthday as well–and we gave it to her today so she can play with it for the remainder of the summer.  (I was also thinking ahead to long car rides like our Family Reunion at Thanksgiving, that these would come in very handy…)  So they spent the morning, while I was teaching, playing on their tablets.

New Tablet!!!

New Tablet!!!

And on an aside note:  He was soooooo excited that I decorated with Angry birds theme.  In reality, that’s all I had… so it’s lucky for me he loved it!  He kept saying, I love my Angry Bird party!  So as they were eating cake he wanted to take an Angry Bird picture.  Ha!

angry bird faces R

Alisa is on the end (cut off) and her friends, Eva and Kyle were here to enjoy cake with us. Don’t they look nice and angry?

Josiah’s Special Outing With Tim

This summer Tim wanted to do something special with both Chloe and Josiah separately.  Most of you know that we live in close proximity to Valleyfair and Chloe has started asking about being able to go now that she’s getting a little older.  So Tim agreed to take her this summer.

Josiah is still too young to really get the whole Valleyfair thing, so Tim agreed to take him to the Yellow Barn Candy Store as his special outing.  Josiah has been talking about it for weeks, and yesterday Tim finally took him.

They walked through the store and he let Josiah pick out his favorite 4 things.  I can only imagine his joy at strolling up and down the endless rows of candy trying to decide what to choose.  And he was so funny when they got home.  He was thrilled to show me everything and then he was so generous in offering us some of his stash.

I think it's funny how almost everything he picked out is green!

I think it’s funny how almost everything he picked out is green!

His ultimate favorite thing is a minion toy that sings songs and lights up when you push the button.  In fact he liked it so much he picked it out and brought it home without even knowing it had candy inside!  Ha!  I was looking it over and asked it he knew there was candy in it–and his eyes got big and he said, “Really?!”

Want to guess what candy was in the bottom of it?  You have to remember it’s a Minion toy, now…


Moving up in the world: No training wheels

Josiah riding with no training wheels R


Josiah has officially graduated to a real bike without training wheels.  He was actually ready quite a while ago, but my laziness prevented me from pushing him to ride without the wheels sooner.  When I walk for exercise I didn’t want to have slow down for him.  When I’m in the mood to exercise I want to REALLY exercise.  So it was just easier to have him stable riding along next to me–it made for less complaining and less injuries.

I remember it was the exact same way with Chloe.

In fact, when we were moving the story goes that we were cleaning out the garage and she found a bike with no training wheels and asked if she could play with it.  I said sure, but that she really couldn’t do anything with it since she can’t ride without training wheels… and then I turned around and went back to cleaning out the garage.  A few minutes later she came running up to me and exclaimed that she could ride the new bike with no training wheels and I smiled and lovingly told her she was wrong.   She insisted and brought the bike to me, hopped on, and rode away.  I stood there mouth agape.

So, Josiah has moved on up in the world.  He’s pretty proud of himself.  Now, if only I wasn’t pregnant and could actually ride bikes along with them…  until then, I’ll waddle along behind.  😉

Another unexpected BEST GIFT EVER!

No, I’m not talking about my awesome Mother’s Day gift from Tim (more on that tomorrow)… I’m talking about an EVEN BETTER GIFT.


The best gift I could ask for.

Josiah decided to ask Jesus into his heart this past week!!!!



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