Today was Josiah’s FIFTH Birthday. There has been much exclaiming and counting down to this day.
Josiah was most excited about the decorations. He even said to me, “tomorrow when I wake up, I will wait in bed for a little bit so Dad has time to put up some decorations for me.” Which is doubly funny to me, since Tim is not the one who puts up any decorations… When he did come bounding down the stairs I was too tired to get out of bed (which I regret now) but Tim said he made his way around the house “oooohing” and “aaahhhing” over each decoration that was set out. And tonight before bed I asked if he wanted any more pictures and he wanted to go around the house and take pictures of himself by every decoration. 🙂
Unfortunately, since today was Tuesday, I had to teach all day, so Alisa (our Nanny) suggested that she take the kids to the pool/sand beach here in town as a special activity. He was thrilled with that suggestion. We were a little nervous since rain was in the forecast this morning, but it held off and they were able to go and have a good time.
They got back right at supper time, so we quick had Pizza (his meal choice), opened some gifts and had cake before I had to go back to teaching. He got his dream toy (that he had seen on the back of a hot wheels set that he picked out for his friend Zeke a month ago and had been longing to have ever since) the Nitrobot Attack Set along with a few other stellar gifts. That boy cracks me up so much. Everything he opens he is so incredibly happy about. It’s wonderful.
Since it was his 5th Birthday that also meant that he could FINALLY have pop for the first time! Tim actually gave him a sip of Mountain Dew and Root Beer this morning after breakfast. He came running to tell me that he had it and I asked if he like it. He said yes, but that it was very spicy. (Tim said he couldn’t drink it very fast).
And, of course, we did his Birthday questions as well…
The biggest excitement of the day, however, was his gift that he was able to open this morning at breakfast. We decided it was time to let him have his own little tablet. We got it on a really good deal. So good of a deal, in fact, that we decided to buy one for Chloe for her birthday as well–and we gave it to her today so she can play with it for the remainder of the summer. (I was also thinking ahead to long car rides like our Family Reunion at Thanksgiving, that these would come in very handy…) So they spent the morning, while I was teaching, playing on their tablets.
And on an aside note: He was soooooo excited that I decorated with Angry birds theme. In reality, that’s all I had… so it’s lucky for me he loved it! He kept saying, I love my Angry Bird party! So as they were eating cake he wanted to take an Angry Bird picture. Ha!
Josiah can really look angry when he wants to!! Such a precious little boy he is!!! When we were little we had “pop juice” which was pop cut about 50/50 with water. It was still fizzy and tasted great! It is kind of like the way Luke cuts his juice with water for his water bottles, only it was pop. Back then it was an economic thing, I think, because pop was a lot more expensive than Kool-aid.
What a fun birthday!