This summer Tim wanted to do something special with both Chloe and Josiah separately. Most of you know that we live in close proximity to Valleyfair and Chloe has started asking about being able to go now that she’s getting a little older. So Tim agreed to take her this summer.
Josiah is still too young to really get the whole Valleyfair thing, so Tim agreed to take him to the Yellow Barn Candy Store as his special outing. Josiah has been talking about it for weeks, and yesterday Tim finally took him.
They walked through the store and he let Josiah pick out his favorite 4 things. I can only imagine his joy at strolling up and down the endless rows of candy trying to decide what to choose. And he was so funny when they got home. He was thrilled to show me everything and then he was so generous in offering us some of his stash.
His ultimate favorite thing is a minion toy that sings songs and lights up when you push the button. In fact he liked it so much he picked it out and brought it home without even knowing it had candy inside! Ha! I was looking it over and asked it he knew there was candy in it–and his eyes got big and he said, “Really?!”
Want to guess what candy was in the bottom of it? You have to remember it’s a Minion toy, now…
What was in it?!
Banana runts candy, of course!
That’s amazing! Perfect!