I like flowers. And I really enjoy these flowers:
These are Hydrangeas.
They are so full and beautiful. However, they are taking over my garden. Last year I told myself that I would work on trimming them this year (thinking, of course, that I would be able to actually get on the ground and weed and stuff… but since I’m hugely pregnant again, getting that low to the ground is again out of the question. Unless, of course, I don’t intend to get back up. Or walk for the rest of the day. Have I mentioned that pregnancy loosey-goosey joints, also known as Relaxin, is wreaking havoc on my hips these days?) So, it’s on my big list of things I plan to accomplish NEXT summer. Along with building a garden and fixing the rain gutter and re-mulching the garden beds and fixing the grass next to the driveway… you get the idea.
But I digress.
Back to the flowers. I really do like them, but at what point are they ridiculously too much?
A friend told me that I can completely chop them down to the dirt at the end of the season and that might help with the magnitude that I have. Otherwise I think I might need to figure out how to transplant some of these to other places in our yard.
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