Yesterday was a monumental day for Chloe….
She can now ride her bike with NO TRAINING WHEELS!
It was a bit accidental, truth be told. We’ve been walking with a church friend a lot this summer and Chloe as been getting better and better and not tipping onto her training wheels, but she definitely was still using them. However, as her training wheels started to tip (we hadn’t secured them very well apparently) I didn’t straighten them… so she was learning little by little.
That brings us to yesterday and cleaning out our garage. She found a smaller bike with no training wheels and grabbed it and hopped on. As I turned to yell at her to stop taking stuff out of the piles I realized that she was riding the bike! She rode a few feet and then stopped and looked back at me to make sure I had seen it. Sure enough–just like THAT she’s figure it out all on her own! She rode the smaller bike for a while and started begging me to take off her training wheels on her big bike. After begging and begging I finally agreed… and viola! She’s good! (The picture above is the smaller bike in case you’re wondering)
To add excitement to the day, Chloe ALSO got to say up late to see the fireworks (for the first time she can remember). I think we saw fireworks once or twice since she was born but she slept through them if I remember correctly… so this was double excitement! She got to stay up way past her bedtime, walk down to the big park on the river with Auntie Jen and me, eat popcorn, watch the stars emerge and see fireworks that she’ll actually be able to remember! I was a little worried it would be too loud for her, but she was totally fine. It was a fun evening! Well, besides the fact that the mosquitoes were HORRENDOUS! I think I came home with 7 bites–and I was wearing pants, a sweatshirt with a hood and I was tucked under our blanket!
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