Writing about all the big & little things

Category: Teaching (Page 4 of 4)

First day back.

I made it through my first day back.

Boy am I exhausted!

It was a busy morning getting everything in order, and I accidentally forgot that I had scheduled a lesson over a break that I thought I had, and the family just before my supper left 15 min. late, but everything worked out fine.

I did forget, however, how sore I get from sitting so long and talking so much.  After a few days I get accustomed to it again, but somehow I’m always surprised.   So, I decided it would be a good night to sit in the hot tub–and it definitely helped a lot.

Oh, and a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jen!  Tim went out to supper tonight with the kids and Jen and the Baker kids.  I was bummed I couldn’t go…

Starting to stress…

I start teaching in 3 days.   And I’m stressed.

It’s not that I can’t handle teaching, or that I have all that much more to get done, but it’s the stress of jumping into such a jam packed schedule the very first week.  After being care free for over 2 months, I’ll be back to not having any afternoons or evenings anymore.  I have to be sure to be productive right away in the morning otherwise things won’t get done.

Next week is going to be crazy:  not only do I start teaching, but I have appointments for the kids on Tuesday morning, Bible Study on Wednesday morning, Lessons on Thursday morning and worship team practice on Saturday morning.  I’m sure everything will fall nicely into place, but again, after having such an open schedule it’s a bit daunting having so much on my schedule all at once.  🙂

So, tonight I’m going to work intentionally on getting studio stuff done so I’ll have one less thing to stress about.

Before I go, though, here’s a fun picture of Chloe with her birthday cupcake.

Oh, my has it really been 4 days since my last post???

Well, the summer days are truly flying by.  I’m starting to feel the dread in the back of my mind of watching my vacation slowly end… And I still have so much to get done!  My biggest stress right now is finishing lining up a nanny for this fall.  We have a new girl who has agreed to come Mondays & Fridays, but that still leaves 3 days a week to fill.  She has a friend she’s going to ask, though, so I’m hopeful.


So………. funny story……….  in the middle of writing this, our nanny family (the Greenhalgh’s) stopped over for an unexpected visit.  And during the visit they mentioned the younger boy (who isn’t actually very young–8th grade) wanting to help nanny!  So, it sounds like he will be able to come on Wednesday’s & Thursday’s–which means I only have to fill Tuesday’s now!  Yippie!  One more step to having that hurdle covered.

Anyway, back to what’s been happening around here lately.

On Thursday we spent the afternoon hanging out at Jen’s new house waiting for the Quest guy to come and hook up her internet.  They give you a 5 hour window that you need to be available and since Jen couldn’t take that time off of work, I offered to come over.  So, Chloe took a nap and JD and I chilled on her new (and AWESOME!) couch for a few hours.

Friday morning we took a trip out to see the Baker’s.  They have a cool new playground in their yard that I thought Chloe would enjoy, so we hung out there for a bit.  It was a gorgeous morning to be outside.  We both enjoyed it thoroughly.

Friday evening Jen volunteered to come and watch our kiddos so we could go and see a movie.  We decided to see Harry Potter which we both enjoyed.  The only drawback was that we agreed it was filmed a bit dark so it was hard to see what was going on sometimes… otherwise, though, it was great.

Saturday we had worship team practice.  This was my first week back since the beginning of July so it felt weird.  It definitely took me a while to get “in the groove” again, but it all came back to me (whew!).    Then after lunch Jen and Patsy stopped by to pick up our vacuum cleaner to do her floors in her old apartment as they were cleaning it for the final time.  Our vacuum has an attachment to clean the carpets, so she didn’t have to rent a cleaner for just one room…  They came back a few hours later at which point Patsy decided to stay here for the night since her car was having issues.

This morning we were up bright and early and off to church.  Patsy was going to drive back home this morning, but after getting in her car and trying to take off down the street she thought better of it… the stabilizing bar had come loose and was dragging on the ground.  Not good.  So, after we got home from church we had lunch and talked over the situation:  Tim drove her half way to meet up with Ryan who brought her home and the car will be towed back to St. Cloud later this week.

This afternoon I spent a bit of time cleaning the carpet in the studio.  I was inspired to use the carpet cleaner since Jen had just brought it back and I hadn’t put it away yet.  🙂

And finally tonight we’re having the three younger Greenhalgh kids over for supper.  Tim thought it would be fun to have them over and grill burgers &  hot dogs–we invited the whole family but Kumi had to work tonight.  So, we hope to have a good time eating, playing Wii and just hanging out.  I’m off to get ready!

Tomorrow I’ll post some pictures.  🙂

Purchase, PUPPS, pain & Procrastinating

Yesterday we broke down and bought a new mower.  It’s awesome.  I’m extremely excited about it–which is funny.  Why be so excited over a piece of machinery?  I suppose because I honestly like mowing and I do most of the mowing so this is going to make my life a lot easier.  We looked a few different models and finally settled on a craftsman small rear wheel mower (almost exactly like our old one: with a back bag attachment and side blowing or mulch capabilities) but this one has a more ergonomic handle and a special attachment area to hook up a hose so you can clean it out.  Tim got it all set up after we got home last night and I mowed a small section of the lawn again (even though I just mowed on Friday!) just so I could try it out.  🙂

Here’s a picture of it–already dirty after my first mowing!

The PUPPS are slowly but surely staring to spread on my body.  It seems to be increasingly worse with each passing day–but so far it’s not nearly as bad as it was before.  Of course, I’ve only had it for a week and a half.  I’m sure over the course of time things will progress, but so far I’m finding it’s manageable with a few anti-itch creams.  I have had to alter quite a bit of my wardrobe however, b/c I can’t have anything pressing against my belly since it triggers the itching.  I know, I know, this is probably more that you really wanted to know, but it’s on my mind a lot lately…

And speaking of more than you wanted to know… I’ve been in a lot of pain lately with my hips and low belly.  The best way I can think of to describe it would be intense pressure–but pushing out and not down.  And it seems to be directly linked to my left leg so walking hurts quite a bit.  Almost like my left hip is out of socket.  Today was especially bad, to the point where I couldn’t help with tear down at church.  And on the way to the car I pretty much hobbled–I told Tim that I might need a cane soon!  So, I decided after church to just take a nap so I would be lying down.  And it seemed to work pretty well, b/c after my nap it felt much better.  I suppose I need to try and take it easy, but it’s so hard when my will to accomplish things and my ability to actually do them don’t match.   Only 47 days until my due date…

I’m sitting here writing this post when I should really be working on recital programs.  That’s where the procrastination comes in.  It’s a daunting task to input everyone’s information/song/name/composer and then pick a recital order for two separate recitals.  But I really need to get it done today so I’m not scrambling by the end of the week.  I know I’ll be incredibly thankful when I’m done.  Only 5 more days of teaching until my summer schedule starts!

A first in my teaching career… and not a good one

Today I officially had the worst piano lesson of my career.

I’m sure I will have many more awful lessons over the years that I plan to continue teaching but this was definitely the worst so far.  I had an elementary age student who came in with a poor attitude and it went from bad to worse.  He started to blatantly disobey almost everything I was asking him to do.

So, we only played one eight-measure song the entire lesson.  Over and over.  And over.

He wouldn’t follow the most basic of instructions, like hold the whole note for 4 counts, or sit up straight.   When I did stop to correct him he would make snoring noises at me.  I honestly got to the point where I didn’t know what I should do.  I’ve never had a student have such a disrespectful attitude towards me.

I was a little taken aback.

I’ve had problem students in the past but usually a straight-forward “you need to shape up” scold does the trick and then they actually do!   I’ve even made students cry in lessons before, but even after that they adjust their attitude.  So, I tried to keep my cool and told him I was extremely disappointed with his attitude (along with various other “you need to shape up” talks through the lesson) all to no avail.  So I wouldn’t let him play anything else until he played his first song correctly.  And he never did.

Then I made the dreaded trip to the car afterwords to talk with his Mom.  Never a fun conversation, but she needed to know.  She was apologetic and frustrated.

It wasn’t a fun lesson.

Hopefully we’ll have better luck next week!

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