Yesterday we broke down and bought a new mower. It’s awesome. I’m extremely excited about it–which is funny. Why be so excited over a piece of machinery? I suppose because I honestly like mowing and I do most of the mowing so this is going to make my life a lot easier. We looked a few different models and finally settled on a craftsman small rear wheel mower (almost exactly like our old one: with a back bag attachment and side blowing or mulch capabilities) but this one has a more ergonomic handle and a special attachment area to hook up a hose so you can clean it out. Tim got it all set up after we got home last night and I mowed a small section of the lawn again (even though I just mowed on Friday!) just so I could try it out. 🙂
Here’s a picture of it–already dirty after my first mowing!
The PUPPS are slowly but surely staring to spread on my body. It seems to be increasingly worse with each passing day–but so far it’s not nearly as bad as it was before. Of course, I’ve only had it for a week and a half. I’m sure over the course of time things will progress, but so far I’m finding it’s manageable with a few anti-itch creams. I have had to alter quite a bit of my wardrobe however, b/c I can’t have anything pressing against my belly since it triggers the itching. I know, I know, this is probably more that you really wanted to know, but it’s on my mind a lot lately…
And speaking of more than you wanted to know… I’ve been in a lot of pain lately with my hips and low belly. The best way I can think of to describe it would be intense pressure–but pushing out and not down. And it seems to be directly linked to my left leg so walking hurts quite a bit. Almost like my left hip is out of socket. Today was especially bad, to the point where I couldn’t help with tear down at church. And on the way to the car I pretty much hobbled–I told Tim that I might need a cane soon! So, I decided after church to just take a nap so I would be lying down. And it seemed to work pretty well, b/c after my nap it felt much better. I suppose I need to try and take it easy, but it’s so hard when my will to accomplish things and my ability to actually do them don’t match. Only 47 days until my due date…
I’m sitting here writing this post when I should really be working on recital programs. That’s where the procrastination comes in. It’s a daunting task to input everyone’s information/song/name/composer and then pick a recital order for two separate recitals. But I really need to get it done today so I’m not scrambling by the end of the week. I know I’ll be incredibly thankful when I’m done. Only 5 more days of teaching until my summer schedule starts!
Try going to a chiropractor for your hip and belly pain. Knewtson’s did a lot to help me. You’re going to meet your deductible anyway. 😉
I second the chiro idea! It will help. I’ve also heard of women wearing some sort of hip belt/brace. I’m not sure if they help though. I remember that awful feeling though. I’m sorry you have to experience it!