Writing about all the big & little things
Today was the day (yet again) that I had to say goodbye to wearing my wedding ring… and out comes the gaudy costume ring, two sizes bigger, to help me make it through the rest of my pregnancy.
I made it slightly longer than I did the last pregnancy. I find it amusing how similar each pregnancy really has been. At least by this time around I knew what to expect! 🙂
So goodbye beautiful wedding ring. I will see you again in about 4 months, if I’m lucky. Until then I will embrace the swelling fingers and remember that I am growing a sweet precious new little person inside of me that we are excited to meet soon. But not too soon–I still need Maddie to start walking before he comes along! (EDIT: Technically I need to have Maddie walking comfortably and unassisted, since she’s actually walking now. 🙂 I guess I wrote this post a few days ago and she just took off and is now walking! But I’m still not quite ready for the baby to come just yet!)
I had another check-up with my midwife yesterday and I’m happy to report…. nothing. I’m totally normal. Yes, measuring 2 ahead again, but that’s normal for me. She did spend a bit of time trying to figure out which position the baby is in, but was having a hard time. She finally decided that she was pretty sure he is laying diagonally with his butt/legs down. Not an ideal birthing position, but I still have tons of time left for him to wiggle all around (and tons of space I might add too!). I’ve made it to the point where I start to get to have appointments every 2 weeks now and eventually weekly at the end. Tomorrow I’m officially 33 weeks along which means (theoretically) only 7 more weeks left to go! Yahooo!
I’m also happy to report that my PUPPS are pretty much at bay. I do have remnant spots on my elbows and knees and I did notice some itching coming back on the back of my hands and chin the other day, but I took one of my pills last night and I have absolutely no itching today. It is NOTHING like it was a week and a half ago. And that makes me incredibly happy.
And finally, before I go, I know you are all dying to see a side-by-side comparison of me with all my pregnancies, so here it is! I think the most striking difference in all of them is how my hair has changed over the years. Ha!
I’m super excited because this Saturday I move into the “30’s” of the weekly count. For some reason the 20’s seem like only halfway the ENTIRE time I’m in them… so when I say I’m 29 weeks, my mind thinks I’m still only halfway. Yet, when I cross that 30 mark, suddenly it seems like I’m almost there! I know it’s totally silly, but who said pregnant women were logical?
Here’s a picture from last week (28 weeks). It’s amazing to me how much less motivated I am to take pictures of myself this time around. I feel like I JUST took pictures of my big belly… ha! But I know someday I’ll want these pictures to look back on. Or if I don’t want them at least some of the kids will find them amusing.
In other random pregnancy news, I had my checkup last week. I’m still measuring ahead (have been for the past 3 appointments) by about 2 weeks. No big surprise there, in fact, I would be surprised if I DIDN’T measure ahead for this one. She had a little trouble finding the heart beat at the appointment since he was moving so much. I took Chloe and Maddie with me for my last appointment and Chloe was interested to hear the heartbeat.
I also had my glucose test at the last visit and I passed! Whoo hoo! That’s always a relief so I don’t have to go back in for the 2 hour test where they draw your blood every 30 min. Doesn’t sound like fun to me!
Oh and I’m still going to the Chiropractor weekly. I’m SO happy that we have insurance that covers that–it’s been absolutely wonderful.
That’s right folks! We are happy to announce that baby #4 joining us in September will be a boy. This will even out the score of boys against girls in this family. Josiah is over the moon. Can you tell by the picture?
I’ve been prepping him for a long time for the “disappointment” if it was a girl, but apparently that was all for naught! When we told them tonight (with this ADORABLE “How to train your dragon” onsie, I might add) both kids were equally delighted.
Chloe changed her mind today on what she wanted it to be. She had been rooting for a girl this whole time and tonight when I asked her she said she actually wanted a boy now.
We had the ultrasound this morning and everything looks great. He’s measuring right where they would expect, so no change in my due date. I get so anxious before this first ultrasound because I start to worry that we’ll discover something wrong but all that worry was again for naught. Whew!
We are just less than 2 weeks away from finding out if the newest addition to our family will be a boy or a girl. I’ve already started prepping the kids for disappointment. We can’t all get what we want: Chloe really wants another girl; Josiah is set on a boy; and I’m seriously torn somewhere in the middle. It’s at this point during every pregnancy that I am so relieved that WE don’t get to decide. God knows what this family needs and we’ll leave it up to his very capable hands.
Of course, that brings us to the topic of baby names. Tim and I have agreed to not even start seriously talking about names until we know if it’s a boy or girl. It helps narrow the limitless options. It took us quite a long time to agree on Madison’s name, so I expect the same with this one.
The kids (especially Chloe) are having a good time thinking of names. She started a list on the fridge to keep all of her favorite names. Let’s see if you can decipher her list…
I get such a kick out of how she spells some of the names. My favorite might be Jooly (Julie). 😉
I know I’m truly pregnant (okay, if you’ve seen me recently you’ll find this more amusing, since I’m starting to get big again and am CLEARLY pregnant…haha!) because I have now entered the phase where I can fall asleep anywhere at anytime.
It’s a true talent.
Whoops! Where did the weekend go? How can it be Monday night Tuesday afternoon already? Contest stuff is starting to pick up again so if I forget to post you’ll know why. I know I promised to show pictures of the book, but I’m putting that up as my Wordless Wednesday for tomorrow, so check back if you want to see that.
Today I thought it might be fun to write a little more about this pregnancy.
For those wondering, no, we did not plan this. I think that’s pretty clear in our announcement picture… 😉 The day we found out, Tim and I just looked at each other and laughed. In fact, we pretty much chuckled the whole day. What else can you do? We were not upset or overwhelmed when we found out–just amused. God sometimes has a funny sense of humor.
So, 4 kids it is then!
I will admit, the first thought that popped into my head was how much I didn’t want to be pregnant again. I was really looking forward to being done with that phase of my life and having my own body back again. But let’s be serious, I have it pretty easy as a pregnant woman. I don’t get morning sickness or have any other complications, and all my kids have come full term. (I mean, other than getting comically huge, that is.) So, most of my disappointment about expecting a 4th child was purely selfish. Once I got over that, I actually moved to excited pretty quick.
Well, let me rephrase that. Once I was SURE I was pregnant I move to excited quickly. See, I wasn’t convinced that I actually was pregnant. I know, I know… you laugh, but I felt totally normal. Nothing out of the ordinary. And I mean nothing. When I went in last week for my first appointment and I was sitting in the room waiting for the midwife to come in I actually felt silly–like I was there for nothing! I told her I would really like some confirmation that there was actually a baby in there, so she checked and sure enough there was a heartbeat. It was at that point that she told me that she thought I was probably further along that I thought. I was thinking I was about 9 weeks along and she said I seemed to be more like 12 weeks. I reminded her that I normally run big during pregnancy, so I was skeptical.
So we scheduled a dating ultrasound to be sure. And sure enough, there it was a little baby with moving arms and legs and everything just chillin’ out inside of me! It was a little bit of a surreal experience since I felt totally normal so see how big it was already. When I finally heard back from the ultrasound technician they agreed I was further along. In fact, as of this past Saturday I am officially 12 weeks along. That makes my due date on September 10th. Isn’t that crazy? I mean, there goes pretty much the whole first trimester!
I’m still just a tiny bit skeptical (very tiny). So when I go in again for my 20 week ultrasound I’ll feel better. When I went in for all the other kids at 20 weeks I measured right on, so theoretically I should measure right on for this one too.
I suppose that’s enough for now. Hopefully I’ve answered some of the questions that have crossed your mind. Happy Tuesday everyone!
Many of you may have already seen this posted on Facebook. Tim and I both recorded it–so this is the one I took. I just adore this video. I love watching it over and over to notice the little nuances.
I got caught up in the moment of giving Chloe the book to read that I forgot to push record on the video recorder… so I missed her reading the first page. I’ll post pictures of the book I made tomorrow in case you can’t tell what she’s reading. 🙂
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