I’m super excited because this Saturday I move into the “30’s” of the weekly count. For some reason the 20’s seem like only halfway the ENTIRE time I’m in them… so when I say I’m 29 weeks, my mind thinks I’m still only halfway. Yet, when I cross that 30 mark, suddenly it seems like I’m almost there! I know it’s totally silly, but who said pregnant women were logical?
Here’s a picture from last week (28 weeks). It’s amazing to me how much less motivated I am to take pictures of myself this time around. I feel like I JUST took pictures of my big belly… ha! But I know someday I’ll want these pictures to look back on. Or if I don’t want them at least some of the kids will find them amusing.
In other random pregnancy news, I had my checkup last week. I’m still measuring ahead (have been for the past 3 appointments) by about 2 weeks. No big surprise there, in fact, I would be surprised if I DIDN’T measure ahead for this one. She had a little trouble finding the heart beat at the appointment since he was moving so much. I took Chloe and Maddie with me for my last appointment and Chloe was interested to hear the heartbeat.
I also had my glucose test at the last visit and I passed! Whoo hoo! That’s always a relief so I don’t have to go back in for the 2 hour test where they draw your blood every 30 min. Doesn’t sound like fun to me!
Oh and I’m still going to the Chiropractor weekly. I’m SO happy that we have insurance that covers that–it’s been absolutely wonderful.
I love seeing belly pictures! You look great!