Writing about all the big & little things

Fat pregnancy fingers

Today was the day (yet again) that I had to say goodbye to wearing my wedding ring… and out comes the gaudy costume ring, two sizes bigger, to help me make it through the rest of my pregnancy.

I made it slightly longer than I did the last pregnancy.   I find it amusing how similar each pregnancy really has been.  At least by this time around I knew what to expect!  🙂

So goodbye beautiful wedding ring.  I will see you again in about 4 months, if I’m lucky.  Until then I will embrace the swelling fingers and remember that I am growing a sweet precious new little person inside of me that we are excited to meet soon.  But not too soon–I still need Maddie to start walking before he comes along!  (EDIT:  Technically I need to have Maddie walking comfortably and unassisted, since she’s actually walking now.  🙂  I guess I wrote this post a few days ago and she just took off and is now walking!  But I’m still not quite ready for the baby to come just yet!)


  1. chris

    Less than 7 weeks! Better light a fire under that girl.

  2. chris

    Yeah, I thought you had said she was walking, so I knew you meant walking with some regularity and confidence (so you don’t feel like you have to pick her up if you want to actually get anywhere!)

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