Writing about all the big & little things

Pregnancy Update & 32 Week Comparison

Getting "so big!" haha!

Getting “so big!” haha!

I had another check-up with my midwife yesterday and I’m happy to report…. nothing.  I’m totally normal.  Yes, measuring 2 ahead again, but that’s normal for me.  She did spend a bit of time trying to figure out which position the baby is in, but was having a hard time.  She finally decided that she was pretty sure he is laying diagonally with his butt/legs down.  Not an ideal birthing position, but I still have tons of time left for him to wiggle all around (and tons of space I might add too!).  I’ve made it to the point where I start to get to have appointments every 2 weeks now and eventually weekly at the end.  Tomorrow I’m officially 33 weeks along which means (theoretically) only 7 more weeks left to go!  Yahooo!

I’m also happy to report that my PUPPS are pretty much at bay.  I do have remnant spots on my elbows and knees and I did notice some itching coming back on the back of  my hands and chin the other day, but I took one of my pills last night and I have absolutely no itching today.  It is NOTHING like it was a week and a half ago.  And that makes me incredibly happy.

And finally, before I go, I know you are all dying to see a side-by-side comparison of me with all my pregnancies, so here it is!  I think the most striking difference in all of them is how my hair has changed over the years. Ha!

32 weeks comparison

1 Comment

  1. chris

    Almost 8 years and you don’t look a day older! It is funny how similar you look on all 4 pictures! Glad to hear the PUPPS is at bay!

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