We are just less than 2 weeks away from finding out if the newest addition to our family will be a boy or a girl.  I’ve already started prepping the kids for disappointment.  We can’t all get what we want:  Chloe really wants another girl;  Josiah is set on a boy; and I’m seriously torn somewhere in the middle.  It’s at this point during every pregnancy that I am so relieved that WE don’t get to decide.  God knows what this family needs and we’ll leave it up to his very capable hands.

Of course, that brings us to the topic of baby names.  Tim and I have agreed to not even start seriously talking about names until we know if it’s a boy or girl.   It helps narrow the limitless options.  It took us quite a long time to agree on Madison’s name, so I expect the same with this one.

The kids (especially Chloe) are having a good time thinking of names.   She started a list on the fridge to keep all of her favorite names.  Let’s see if you can decipher her list…

name list R

I get such a kick out of how she spells some of the names.  My favorite might be Jooly (Julie).  😉