Writing about all the big & little things

Category: Family (Page 13 of 26)

Tim’s back to work!

Yup, that’s right–he hobbled off in his “boot” to work this morning.  It will be a slow week (mostly prepping the stone yard and getting stuff ready) but I’m sure it feels good to get things rolling again.  🙂

Now we adjust around here to our new normal again.  That means the nanny will start coming again today and I need to have supper ready before I start teaching… etc.  It’s all good though.  Last week was so beautiful that it gave me renewed joy at being able to live here.  I just love all of the trails and sidewalks that are accessible from our house.  We went out for our exercise three times last week (it would have been more if I hadn’t been so sore after the first day!).  I’m very excited for the kids to get out side and enjoy actually getting to run in our yard.

In other yard news, we’ve been looking into getting a fence.  Well, actually we were looking in to a fence last week until this chaos with Tim’s foot and since then we’ve put a temporary stop on the fence until we know what’s wrong with his foot and how much that’s going to cost us… But we found out some interesting details about fencing here in Shakopee.  Apparently there are a lot of hoops to jump through.  We need to pull a permit for the fence plus all the different people (gas, property lines, etc.) have to come out AND we have to put the fence 10 feet back from the sidewalk because of the turn lane on the road behind us.   Yikes!  I was pretty bummed about having to push the fence so far into our yard, but I would rather HAVE a fence with less yard, then not have a fence with more yard.  Does that make sense?


Update on Tim’s Foot.

He’s still in a lot of pain. And the swelling is not going away. So, he called back and he’s got a Tuesday appointment with a foot specialist.

Hopefully then we’ll have some answers.

But on a positive note–it is absolutely GORGEOUS outside these past few days. We’ve had the windows open and the kids have been playing wonderfully in the yard for hours.

However, we had our first dose of “wow-that-smells-bad! Oh-yeah-we-live-next-to-a-farm” aroma filling the house tonight. 🙂

Tim’s Foot Trouble…

Tim had to go into the doctor yesterday morning because his big toe on his left foot has swelled up suddenly and is in severe pain.  We had our (internet search ;)) suspicions or what we thought it might be, but they couldn’t find anything wrong with it.  Even after X-Rays.  Nothing.  Well, something is obviously wrong with it–enough that it’s getting too painful to even sleep at night.  So, they said keep an eye on it for 5 more days–and wear a boot.



He's not thrilled about the boot... or the pain...

He’s not thrilled about the boot… or the pain…

He has had this same pain before, but never this bad.  And we never did figure out what it was then either… It acts almost like a sprain, but he didn’t do anything to hurt it.  And it flared up again out of nowhere.  *Sigh.*  I just hate it when they can’t diagnose something.

He’s hoping to start work this coming Monday, so we don’t have a lot of time before he’s back to needing his foot again, so hopefully we’ll figure something out soon!

Fun in the sun!

The Chlison’s came over for a visit yesterday and it was B.E.A.-UTIFUL!  outside.  The kids played in the yard for most of the afternoon.  It will be even better when the yard in the back of the house isn’t so squishy and when all the dog poop has been thoroughly rinsed away.  And, um, those two things don’t actually go together.  Gross.  To clarify the ground is just squishy from the partially frozen/thawed ground.  Eeeew… what a mental image I’ve conjured up now!

Anyway–we all had a great time!  I love that our kids play so well together!  And Bailey is really starting to play along too–she’s been a bit shy up until now, but yesterday she was joining right in.  See, I even caught a picture of my kids trying to convince her to pull them in the wagon.

Chloe is trying to convince Bailey to pull them...

Chloe is trying to convince Bailey to pull them…

We enjoyed soaking up the sunshine… ah.  The kids even decided to eat their snack in the shade of the truck since it was getting (dare I say it?) WARM!

Curly Apples!

Curly Apples!

Fun in the wagon!

Fun in the wagon!


Annnnnnnd then we all got sick so all the stuff I wanted to get done over Spring Break will just have to wait…

It’s nothing serious–just a nasty cold bug that settled into our lungs.  I think Josiah had it first last week and he’s over it now.  But Tim, Chloe and I all got it on Monday night.  By Tuesday we were all coughing and by Tuesday night Chloe had a fever.  The only real annoyance is that I’m totally drained of energy and I’m having a really hard time sleeping because of the “tickle cough” that seems worse at night.  I’m sure it’s not actually worse, but when I’m trying to fall asleep it keeps me awake.  Plus I’m lying there thinking about how my coughing is probably keeping Tim awake…

But I think we’re on the upswing now.  We all took naps today which I think helped all around.

I’m just so incredibly thankful (knock on wood!) that it wasn’t the flu–since that seems to be rampant around here!

And in other news it’s snowing again.  A. LOT.  I told Tim tonight that I think we’re going back in time now.  Just a few more days until Christmas, right?  😉

Crazy Contest Week!

(EDIT:  I wrote this post before I started teaching today and somehow didn’t get around to clicking “publish” until right now… another testament of how busy the day has been!)

It’s here!  Contest Week–wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

I’ve been sitting at my computer all morning answering emails and phone calls.  I’m just SO THANKFUL that the time change doesn’t fall on contest weekend this year though.  That is a huge blessing.  🙂

How about a picture, since I can’t write today?  Yes?  Ok!


Chaos and Anticipation!

We’re in full contest swing mode around here, but things are progressing nicely (knock on wood).  All of my volunteers except one cancelled on me for this past weekend, so we didn’t get as much done as I had hoped–but I’m excited because I have 3 confirmed volunteers coming on Sunday which will be plenty to get everything finished up.  It will feel so good to get everything in place.  It’s amazing how even just one extra person makes such a difference.

As is the norm, I don’t really have any gaps in my teaching schedule right now to get stuff done.  Somehow that always happens.  But it’s all good.  Our spring break is really late this year (into the first week of April) so I’m hopeful that by then it will actually feel like Spring.  I’ve finally resigned myself to accepting that it will not be warm for contest weekend.  But my hope is just that all the roads will be cleared and not icy.  I can handle gloomy days and piles of snow as long as the roads are clear and dry.

Chloe and Josiah are doing well lately.  A little bit of cabin fever, but still ok.  Josiah amuses me daily with his little personality emerging more and more.  It’s crazy for me to think that just about this time was how old Chloe was when we had him.

And speaking of babies….!!!  (no not me, I could hear you all thinking it…) My brother, Luke and his wife are having their little baby boy tomorrow!  Well, technically I suppose it’s really all of Krista doing the work… haha!  But Luke will be right there beside her.  I’m so excited!  They are having a boy so they’ll have one of each now!  Yippie!    I can’t wait to see pictures and hear all about him…

We’ve FINALLY seen Frozen!


Well, we weren’t able to hold out quite as long as we thought we would… but it’s ok.  We are finally caught up with the rest of the world.  Tim downloaded the digital copy of Frozen yesterday and we watched it as a family last night–and it was good!  Chloe and Josiah were beyond delighted.  And I must say I am relieved to finally have the whole picture clear in my head.  Let me tell you, hearing a 5 year old tell you over and over about a show, adding details, exaggerating details, eliminating details, rearranging details… left me a bit confused about what was really happening.

So.  I finally know.  🙂  And it really was great.

Happy Birthday Kylene!

It’s my wonderful sister’s Birthday today!

This is the picture I have of Kylene and her husband hanging on our family wall–this is totally how I envision her in my head… silly and smiling. 🙂 I just love it!

kylene and justin 2013

And, of course, this is still one of my all time favorite pictures of me and my sister–I know it’s a couple years old now, but I just love our smiles…  so much happiness!

sisters (2)

I am blessed to have such a wonderful sister–I love our Friday chats. 🙂  And I love that she is so many interests and hobbies that I have no clue about.  It makes learning about new things fun!  And I can truly appreciate how good she is at doing all sorts of cool things… and I’m always trying to learn new tricks from her.   🙂

I love you, Kylene!  Happy Birthday!!!!

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