The Chlison’s came over for a visit yesterday and it was B.E.A.-UTIFUL! outside. The kids played in the yard for most of the afternoon. It will be even better when the yard in the back of the house isn’t so squishy and when all the dog poop has been thoroughly rinsed away. And, um, those two things don’t actually go together. Gross. To clarify the ground is just squishy from the partially frozen/thawed ground. Eeeew… what a mental image I’ve conjured up now!
Anyway–we all had a great time! I love that our kids play so well together! And Bailey is really starting to play along too–she’s been a bit shy up until now, but yesterday she was joining right in. See, I even caught a picture of my kids trying to convince her to pull them in the wagon.
We enjoyed soaking up the sunshine… ah. The kids even decided to eat their snack in the shade of the truck since it was getting (dare I say it?) WARM!
Bailey sure is a cutie. (Well, they all are, actually…!) How old is she now? I’m glad you got a chance to hang out with Shannon.
She’s almost the same age as Josiah–just 4 months younger. So she turned 2 in November. 🙂