Writing about all the big & little things

Category: Family (Page 6 of 26)

The League of Incredible Vegetables Party!


Yesterday we had a birthday party for Chloe and Josiah.  It was awesome if I do say so myself.

As always, we had food, fun, and laughter.  Now onto the highlight pictures!

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It was fun to watch them blow out the candles together.  Oh, and you should know that when we chose on the Veggietales theme we decided that Chloe would be Larry the cucumber and Josiah would be Bob the tomato.  Why?  Because Chloe is taller.  🙂

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Growing up

I accidentally missed my wordless Wednesday yesterday… whooops!  Oh, and I would like to wish a belated Happy Birthday to my Dad!  I really should have posted a picture of him yesterday and then I would have remembered both things… ah, well.  In hind sight…

Today I head up to St. Cloud to pick up Chloe from camp.  I’m excited to hear how it all went and if she enjoyed it.  Josiah has missed having her around more than I expected.  He doesn’t like going to bed by himself–which strikes me as humorous seeing as he only started sharing a room with her 2 months ago.  But he really likes sharing a room.  In fact, he’s asked if someday he can share a room with Maddie now too.  🙂

Before I go, here’s a picture of Maddie doing some tummy time last night.  She’s getting such a strong neck, I love it!


Splash Pad Fun!

The city of Shakopee hosted a “Pop-up splash pad” event tonight.  They brought a fire truck and parked it downtown (by our old house) and just let it spray into the street.  Well, technically, up into the air and then onto the street. Oh, and they handed out free freezies too!

Jen took Chloe and Josiah as a surprise tonight.  They had a blast.  It was absolutely perfect weather for it.  And they even ran into some friends!

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We’re now a family of 5.

Can you believe today is the first time we actually sat down and got a picture of the WHOLE family?  We kept meaning to do it and never got around to it… so, here it is!


And then a silly picture… hehe!


New Haircuts and they’re off!

The kids are off to go camping this weekend with their cousins.  Stephanie’s (Ryan’s wife) parents own a cabin up north and most of Tim’s side goes up for a long weekend in the summer.  They invited the kids to go along this year to give us some more time with Maddie.  As is normal, Chloe was pretty nervous to go, but Josiah was bounding off the walls excited.  We’ve never gone camping before so this will be an awesome experience for them–plus quality time with their cousins and Aunts and Uncles.  They come back on Monday, so it’s going to be a quiet weekend here.  Oh, and it’s our Anniversary on Sunday, so we’re going out to eat to celebrate.  🙂  Yay us!

Yesterday I gave Josiah a hair cut and Chloe asked for one too.  She’s been begging to have it up to her chin for some time, and I wasn’t ready to give in… but I finally did.  She loves it.


And of course, Josiah didn’t want to be left out either…


2 days past due

If you’re keeping tabs, I did finally decide on an adventure for yesterday:  we went to the library!  They were each allowed to check out 2 books each and I found some books on tape for Chloe.  It was a quick adventure because I was feeling “off.”  Nothing serious, but it made me want to get home quickly.

And then today our adventure was a visit from Nathan and Amy!!  The kids had a fantastic time playing with the cousins.  We had supper together and enjoyed catching up.  A delightful evening!


Then to cap it off, Jennifer and I finished up the puzzle.  Yippie!

This one was HARD.  I probably won't be doing this one again.

This one was HARD. I probably won’t be doing this one again.

So peaceful

As I stood at the sink washing dishes this morning it struck me how peaceful life is right now.  I was looking out the window and watching the birds fluttering through the yard and just a hint of rain starting to fall.  A gentle breeze was blowing through the patio door next to me and I could hear Josiah upstairs in his room playing with his cars.  Nothing pressing to do.  Nothing needing to be to resolved or fix.  Just dishes needing to be scrubbed.

It made me smile.

And then I realized my moment of peace is quickly coming to an end.  At least end for a while.  A few years from now I’ll be right back here again, but this time with a little girl home with me instead of a little boy.  And both Chloe and Josiah will be off enjoying school with stories to tell me when they get home.  And our little girl will impatiently wait at the window for the bus to drive by, just like Josiah does now for Chloe.

I’m thankful for my life right now.  I know soon I’m going to forget how thankful I am because I’ll be so sleep deprived and struggling through learning the rhythm of a newborn again.  And I’ll be thankful then too, but it will be harder for me to see through the haze.  So, right now I’m rejoicing in how much I am enjoying life.


Garage sale season has begun!

And this year my garage sale season will probably be quite short… since I don’t anticipate having enough energy to hop right back into garage sale-ing in July (with a newborn in tow).  So I’m going to do as much as I can in May and June.  Then be done for this year.   That should be plenty of time to stock up on a few things.  Mostly I’ve discovered jeans are a hot commodity.  Chloe seems to be going through jeans (now that she’s in school) like hot cakes.  And Josiah too–all of his jeans seem to have holes in the knees… So, those for sure, and then random items that they’ve outgrown.

This weekend I went to my first big garage sale (it was a bunch of sales together in one of the schools here in town) and I was able to pick up just a couple things.  And happily I was able to find 2 pairs of jeans for the fall for both of them in great shape.  I also scored a few kids DVD’s that we’ve never seen for just 50 cents apiece.  Yippie!

And they were both thrilled that I was also able to find them each a new toy:  Josiah got Wall-E and Eve (25 cents a piece!) and Chloe got Merida (the red haired princess from Brave, for a dollar!).



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