And this year my garage sale season will probably be quite short… since I don’t anticipate having enough energy to hop right back into garage sale-ing in July (with a newborn in tow). So I’m going to do as much as I can in May and June. Then be done for this year. That should be plenty of time to stock up on a few things. Mostly I’ve discovered jeans are a hot commodity. Chloe seems to be going through jeans (now that she’s in school) like hot cakes. And Josiah too–all of his jeans seem to have holes in the knees… So, those for sure, and then random items that they’ve outgrown.
This weekend I went to my first big garage sale (it was a bunch of sales together in one of the schools here in town) and I was able to pick up just a couple things. And happily I was able to find 2 pairs of jeans for the fall for both of them in great shape. I also scored a few kids DVD’s that we’ve never seen for just 50 cents apiece. Yippie!
And they were both thrilled that I was also able to find them each a new toy: Josiah got Wall-E and Eve (25 cents a piece!) and Chloe got Merida (the red haired princess from Brave, for a dollar!).
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