I’m not sure why, but this week has seemed particularly long to me. And apparently to Chloe too. When we all woke up this morning and started to get ready for school she lamented that today was ONLY Friday and not Saturday. (The proclamation came hand-in-hand with a dramatic flop onto my bed.)
But tomorrow is going to be here before we know it! And we have big plans of relaxing and watching the new Cinderella movie (we borrowed it from a friend) and working on the basement kitchen. See? So much fun to be had! I know you wish you were here with us. 😉
In other news, our church has decided to add a Saturday night service starting in February. Since I’m in charge of lining up volunteers for the nursery area, I’m now in charge of making sure that service time is covered too. Luckily we have people who have specifically volunteered just for the new Sat. night time, but it’s still going to keep me busy for the next few weeks getting all those new volunteers trained in and everything organized. My hope is to have everything squared away before the chaos of piano contest gets overwhelming.
And in other random news I ordered a new piano book to try. I had never heard of the composer, but that’s not all-together surprising considering the THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of composers that are out there. But I’m excited to see if I like it. The book I ordered is called “George Winston Piano Solos.” So I’m off to try it out!
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