On Saturday Nana & Bumpa came over for a visit.  The kids has TONS of fun (I’m pretty sure they wore them completely out!).  We had a wonderful time relaxing and chatting and doing random fun things.  Sherlock even came along, which made Josiah very happy.  Maddie seemed to like Sherlock as well, although not too close… 😉 Here is a list of some of the fun things we did throughout the afternoon:

totem pole snowman R

  • Nana & Chloe built a totem-pole-snowman
  • We enjoyed Fajitas for supper
  • We all watched Disney short films on netflix
  • Nana & I watched a video of dogs wearing boots for the first time and laughed until we cried
  • Bumpa & Josiah worked on puzzles

puzzles R

  • Nana & Chloe did some crafting
  • Bumpa played hide and seek (over and over with the kids… haha!)
  • They got to see our amazing new kitchen 😉
  • Nana tried and tried to get Maddie to smile at her… to no avail…
  • We watched a couple episodes of How to Train Your Dragon:  Race to the edge
  • Nana & I played piano duets together from the same book that she and her Mom used to play.  (That was so much fun!)

duet music R