I love corn bread.
In particular, I love Famous Dave’s corn bread muffins. They are delicious. Look… don’t those look AMAZING?
So the other day when Tim came across a box mix for these exact muffins we agreed it would be a good idea for me to try making them. 😉 I normally make corn bread from scratch and it’s fine, but not amazing.
I could tell right away as I started to make the new mix that they were going to be good, because the batter tasted very sweet. (There must be a lot of sugar in them… hehe!)
It’s at this point in the story that I should mention that I’ve been using the basement oven more lately because it preheats SO MUCH faster than our upstairs one. Unfortunately since it’s downstairs I sometimes forget to set the timer and sometimes forget I’m baking anything at all… Out of sight, out of mind right?
Um…. yeah…
If you can see where this is going, I burned them pretty good. It wasn’t until I was questioning “what in the world is Tim doing downstairs that smells so strange” that I realized it was my corn bread muffins burning. However, we still ate them for supper (just cut off the bottoms) and they were delicious. And that, to me, is really saying something. If the muffins were still good even after burning them, they are definitely something I would try to make again (and remember to set the timer!).
Don’t you all want corn bread muffins now? 😉
You’ve sold me! I’m going to make these as soon as I get the chance!
I should make some for Dad – he LOVES cornbread. Me, not so much, but it is okay.