Writing about all the big & little things

Tooth Trouble

(Warning:  dramatic complaining ahead)

I’m having tooth troubles.

In reality I’ve always had teeth problem, but over the past few months I’ve had a top molar start to fall apart.   I’m pretty sure I’ve talked about how my tooth is falling apart before because, on Amy’s suggestion, we purchased a dental plan that helps give us discounts.  We decided that it would be a good idea to purchase something to help with the cost–even a tiny discount would be sizable if I was going to need a root canal or crown.  After looking into it further the discount was actually not very significant although it was something.  So, we’ve had that dental plan ready and just waiting for when my tooth really started to bother me.

My tooth continued to crumble.  And it was annoying but not painful.

Until this week.

I’m not sure what changed, but all of a sudden I woke up on Monday morning and my tooth was throbbing.  And then my jab was throbbing.  And now I can’t eat on that side anymore.  Apparently it was time to make that dentist appointment.

Let me insert at this point that we have recently switched insurance companies for myself and the kids.  We all are eligible to be in Medical Assistance through the state.  So I called our current dentist and they don’t accept that insurance.  Tim made a call to the insurance company to ask for names of dentists that DO accept Medial Assistance and they gave us 5 dentists in Shakopee.  I started calling around–no one would take me.  I made it through the 5 on the list with no luck.  So I moved to just calling any dentist in Shakopee.  No luck.  So I branched out to nearby cities.  And I FINALLY found a dentist that would take me and my insurance.  The earliest they could get me in was this morning.

Well, I got in today.  For a cleaning.

They cleaned and assessed my teeth and gave me a plan of what needs to be done (no shocker here, but that top moler needs to be extracted.  It’s beyond repair) and then they told me I had to go back and get a doctor’s note to say that I’m allowed to have an extraction done while I’m pregnant.   So they wouldn’t schedule my next appointment until I got the note signed.  Ugh.  Off I drove to my doctors office–which is actually a midwife–and got the paper signed.  At which point I called from the parking lot to get the next appointment scheduled right away.

And I have my next appointment scheduled!  …… for Tuesday March 15th.  🙁  I guess I’ll have to live with my toothache for a while longer.


  1. KyleneSusan

    Ouch! That so frustrating!

  2. chris

    Oh, I’m so sorry. Can you take any pain meds or won’t you do that since you are pregnant?

  3. Amy

    I’m so sorry! That sounds terrible. Having to deal with insurance issues and tooth pain sounds miserable.

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