Well that was an insanely fast Spring Break around here. We did have a great time though and managed to squeeze in a visit from Stacy, a visit to Nana’s house, a visit to Grandma Patsy’s house, helping spring clean the church, watching a couple of my students perform in a special recital, a 1st Birthday party for one of our friend’s kids and (believe it or not!) even a little bit of relaxing. Whew!
On a side note, the 1st Birthday party was so cute–the boy’s name is Luke, so they had a star wars themed party. It was hilarious. The kids thought the masks were especially entertaining. You can’t tell that they are actually laughing here:
Today I had another dentist appointment (2 more fillings) but they said that’s all the work I need done for now! They did suggest that I put crowns on a few of my large fillings… but that’s not a necessity at this point. So, I am thrilled that I don’t have to go back for a while! Yippie!
Before I go, how about one more picture. This one is from when Stacy and her sweet daughter visited last Wednesday. Her daughter played so well with the kids–and we had a wonderful lunch of breakfast foods (I just love breakfast for lunch!). Scrambled eggs with cheese, bacon, pancakes with real maple syrup, fresh grapes & cantaloupe & watermelon and even orange juice! It makes my mouth water again just thinking about it! Ha!
Cute pictures! And a fun spring break.
I am so sad I didn’t get to see you over your spring break, but it looks like you had a great time!