The other day Josiah checked out a book at the library called, “How Do Dinosaurs Eat Cookies?”
I like the “How Do Dinosaurs….” series. They’re very cute and teach good manners, which is hilarious because Dinosaurs are HUGE and it makes everything they do look really funny. Anyway, at the end of the book there were some cookie recipes included for our experimenting pleasure. Josiah thought that was so cool, so I agreed that we could make Dinosaur Lemon Cookies the other day. The recipe was a little off, but we managed. They didn’t call for chilling the dough so when I went to roll the dough into balls it was a sticky mess. So………. about double the flour later, I was able to roll the cookies like they wanted. If you look closely each cookie has a dinosaur footprint on the top. They really liked helping do that part.
They were pretty tasty–probably a little less flavorful than intended due to the enormous amount of extra flour I had to add. All in all, a fun activity.
So, how did you make the footprint?
With those dinosaurs you see… 😉