That’s right–it’s my official due date today! I always thought it would be so cool to have a baby on my actual due date. I like the feeling of the baby being punctual. But alas, since all the other three were basically 4 days late, I really don’t have much hope yet. My bet is on Tuesday afternoon…
Here’s a side by side comparison of all 4 pregnancies at 40 weeks. Sorry they aren’t all facing the same direction, but at the time, I had NO IDEA I would have 4 side by side pictures or that I would eventually care which way I was facing!
And finally, before I go, I want to wish a very special HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Mom! Love you! Just another reason it would be cool to have the baby today–they could share a birthday!
I think you look smaller this time around. 🙂
Tuesday works for us! 🙂