Audrey and Chloe had a sleepover. It was adorable.
Serious Chinese checkers going on here…
Chloe approved of the food.
Coming back from the park–everyone was worn out!
Mae & Dalton playing with the ever coveted Wall-E Toy.
Our full van!
Isaac and Josiah
Looking at years past books. So much fun!
Nana & Bumpa with all the Grandkids. Ah… the joys of having little Grandkids. These are the “Real” pictures. Crying and all.
Surprised family picture
Snuggling with Mae, Josiah and Dalton (watching a movie)
I love how Josiah is helping Maddie in this one…
Levi slept in the closet in a suitcase. That saved us from having to bring another pack-n-play. 🙂
Another picture of Kylene and Justin. I love the tree and lamp posts behind them.
When we traveled to Florida when Kieren was a baby, we had him sleep in our suitcase, too, for the exact same reason! Worked slick.