My little Levi is officially 4 months old now! We have his well-child check up on Thursday (coincidentally, I was able to also schedule Maddie’s 18 month well-child check up for the same time. Ha! I never imagined I would be taking in a 4 month old at the same time as an 18 month old!) so we’ll be able to compare his stats to the other kids. He is such a delight these days–so super smiley at anyone. In that sense, he really reminds me of Josiah. I remember him being very smiley at everyone. Madison was pleasant, but she made you work to get a smile out of her.
The big thing with turning 4 months is that he graduates to trying solids! And when I say solids, I really mean mushy, plain, rice cereal… haha! But it’s the first step in teaching him how to keep food in his mouth. We set him in the high chair this week, just for fun, and the kids think it’s awesome. I’m not sure Maddie is ready to start sharing her high chair… but luckily they don’t eat at the same time right now. I suppose when we get to that point Maddie will have to graduate to sitting at the table in a booster. Which I know she will LOVE. 🙂
4 months already? Seems like he was just born a couple weeks ago. Very cute picture of both of you.