We’ve been considering a cabinet for our living room for quite a while.
It seems to come to the forefront of our minds at Christmas since we have to move our current shelving system to make space for the Christmas tree and then after Christmas we carry it back. The shelves we have now work fine. There are cute baskets that hold all of our stuff and help keep things organized, but recently we’ve been anxious to get the components up and out of Maddie’s reach as well as cleaning up the look of the space. I like baskets as much as the next person, but sometimes you just want the stuff hidden. 🙂 I love drawers and storage spaces that close. I love being able to toss things in a space and just close it without having to keep it beautifully organized inside. I think it’s the easiest way to keep things appearing to be neat and orderly while knowing I have 4 kids that won’t be able to keep things as tidy as I want. They can simply toss it in and close the drawer/door/ottoman/etc.
After starting to search for a unit more seriously, we discovered that we were actually a bit more picky than we thought. Both Tim and I had specific ideas about what we wanted for the space. Oh, and didn’t want to spend and arm and a leg.
Ta da!
We finally settled on a customizable unit from Ikea. The bottom part is two drawers. I love it. 🙂
It looks great!
It does make the space look a lot neater, and having those large drawers must be great. I like it!