Well, they’re back.
Japanese beetles.
They pretty much took over a wild rose in my front garden two years ago, and sadly they seem to have returned with a vengeance again. I had noticed a few a couple weeks ago and then didn’t think too much about it… until yesterday when I walked out and saw that they have not only infested that same wild rose bush, but also my lovely “tiny” tree in the front of our house. Now, the rose bush I could live without, but not my tree! So, I got angry and sprayed bug killer all over the tree.
I could see them actually dropping out of the tree and landing on the ground as I sprayed it. It was strangely satisfying. I checked this morning and there are dozens of dead bugs under the tree and bush now. And I’m happy to report that there are only a few visible. I’ll have to make sure I spray it again in another week or so, but I’m pleased so far. 🙂
See ya later, ye destructive beetles!
Our roses have a blight that causes their leaves to get black spots, turn yellow and fall off. One of them was practically bare before I noticed, so it happens quickly. It turns out the prevention is milk and water sprayed on each week. We can handle that. Hopefully the really bad one will come back. It did have some new growth that was unblemished and I sprayed it good, so I’m hopeful! No bugs we can see, though!