Writing about all the big & little things

Josiah’s New Skateboard

new skateboard (2) R

This was a very big week in the Friesen household.  Josiah purchased his very first skateboard (and safety gear: elbow, knee & wrist pads).  We discussed it and it was decided that if he really wanted it, he would have to use his own money and he would have to also purchased the safety gear to go with it.  So he very carefully checked his bank to see if he had enough and lo-and-behold, he had the exact amount.  This is the first big thing he’s ever bought, so it was a big deal.

When if finally arrived (it took a few days) Tim took both kids out and gave them a lesson on how to learn how to ride a skateboard.  And then Tim pulled me aside and grimly warned me that I need to prepared that Josiah is bound to hurt himself sooner or later.  Even with the safety gear.  Plus, Josiah has a bit of trouble with coordination and general clumsiness, so he’s more susceptible anyway.  So, I’ve been warned and he’s been prepped and off we go!

new skateboard R

Nothing could damper his spirits as he climbed onto the skateboard for the first time.  He was over the moon.    It’s going to take a while for him to get the hang of it, but it’s good for him to start learning to control his center of balance.  This is shaping up to be a pretty fun summer!

josiah skateboarding R



  1. KyleneSusan

    That so cool! He looks thrilled!

  2. chris

    And it just goes to show how grown-up he is getting to be. Skateboarding isn’t for toddlers, that is for sure!

  3. chris

    And quite a milestone that he bought it with his own money, too! And I agree with Kylene – he does look very pleased.

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