We had a fantastic family reunion 2 weeks ago, but it took me a while to get back into the groove again after we got back. And then I let the kids have more play dates last week as we are all sensing the end of summer drawing near–so I was too busy to post… and then I had a music seminar that I attended on Friday, so I was gone. Then my sign-up day was yesterday and I taught last night and ALL day today.
So, I’m just stopping in to say, HELLO!
We’re heading to St. Cloud tomorrow, but hopefully I’ll be able to post something soon.
Oh, and by the way, yesterday’s sign up was awful with a capitol A. In all the years of doing sign-ups I’ve never had one go so poorly… My computer decided it was going to not open my email program which led to panicking and trying to get my website updated and reply to emails and phone calls… Usually I’m done in about 20 min. But my email program wouldn’t even open for 32 min. (which in the world of signing up is and ETERNITY). Luckily, even though I was stressing out big time, my students were mostly understanding and everyone seems to have been able to get the times they wanted. However, it was a lesson learned. I will not do things the same next year. Yikes.
Oh, dear. Sorry to hear about the confusion with sign up day. And you are such an old pro at it by now.