Today was Chloe’s official birthday. Nothing big planned, since it was a school day, but we made it special nonetheless.
Fresh baked cinnamon rolls (with sprinkles!), a new necklace to wear with her beautiful dress, answering birthday questions, added her height to the “ruler” on the wall, brought suckers for everyone in class, cheese pizza and a movie for supper, ice cream for dessert, and to top it all off, it was picture day today at school!
Josiah was very excited to help pick out a gift for her (a little box of legos and a small coloring book) and wrap it up. All, in all she said it was a great day. 🙂 9 suites her well.
And she looks so beautiful for her pictures at school – can’t wait to see them! The necklace is really pretty, as is the dress. And that million dollar smile!!!