Chloe is our 9 year old, creative, first-born leader. She loves reading and helping with the “Littles” as well as playing with her friends.
Here are a few other tidbits about Chloe:
- Her favorite food are BBQ meatball subs and Tacos.
- She does not like trying new things.
- She loves crafting and drawing and writing stories.
- Her spelling needs work. A lot of work.
- She is often reading up to three books at once, bouncing back and forth. (This drives me crazy)
- One of her chores to do daily is helping with laundry. She doesn’t enjoy it, but is really helpful.
- She is getting really into style these days–taking time to pick out outfits.
- She is a mini-me. In so many ways it’s a little scary.
- She has an elaborate imagination.
- She is petrified of tornadoes right now.
- She thrives off of physical touch–and compliments.
- Though they fight (a lot) she loves Josiah and is sad when he’s gone.
- She is musical but doesn’t like to work at it.
- She’s still really into Legos.
- She loves writing to people (pen pals).
- She still needs a lot of sleep.
- Her favorite snacks are combos, pretzels and apples.
Precious girl! So fun to see her talking to us (and thinking about what to say.) I don’t think I would have done very well at that at her age. She seems like she would be super-helpful around the house and with the kids.