So we had a lovely weekend full of play-dates, Baker’s piano lessons, swimming lessons, friends over for the Football game, being outside and general weekend merriment. I was quite concerned about keeping up with my meal plan over the weekend since weekends are my nemesis. However, I am happy to report that it went great! This past week I had been posting the day after regarding how I did the day before, but I was finding that to be confusing, so I’m going to recap the weekend and then start posting about how today went (even though I know it’s technically not quite over yet). And before I start the recaps, I thought I would share a picture of my adorable new egg slicer. It’s just too cute not to share…
21 Day Fix Update: Day 5 (Friday) is done and in the books. I’m finally starting to not feel as sore. I feel like this week has been ridiculously long. I’ve only into my 6th day now, but it feels like I’ve been doing this for weeks. But I suppose in a way that’s a good thing because it’s starting to not feel as overwhelming anymore. I did breakdown and have a zero calorie / zero sugar energy drink yesterday. The black coffee was just not enough… I felt bad “breaking the rules” but I figure if it keeps me going it’s ok. And I’ve been sooooo good about everything else, that I felt kind of like I was rewarding myself.
21 Day Fix Update: Day 6 & 7 (Saturday & Sunday) are completed! I was super concerned I wouldn’t be able to hold it together. But Saturday I kept myself busy and got up early to get my workout done before swimming lessons. Sunday we had friends over and they brought super yummy food, but I was in charge of veggies for the meal, so I just made sure there was an amazing veggie assortment and I was able to pretty much keep myself eating fruits and veggies for the afternoon. I admit I did sample a tiny bit of a couple things, but I kept it totally in moderation. So even though I cheated, it was still within my calorie limits. Oh, and I had one small cookie. Hehe! And it was soooooo good. I haven’t had any sugary things this week, so it was super scrumptious.
21 Day Fix Update: Day 8 (today) is just about done! And I’m happy to report that I am officially NOT SORE! Yippie! Today I’m finally feeling like this isn’t as hard anymore. I’m able to plan out my day and think of foods much easier. I also finally have my water intake under control–and am able to get all of that in without trouble. I was ecstatic to see another tiny drop on the scale again this morning. I’m going to make you wait on pins and needles to share my final weight loss number with you though. 🙂 You’ll just have to hang on to the end to find out.
Most of all, I’m impressed at how much of a change I can feel in just one week. Mostly mental, but a little bit physical. I don’t feel as overwhelmed. I’m feeling healthier and overall better about myself. I can tell my belly is starting to shrink (a tiny bit) and I’m not as winded going up and down stairs.
Glad to hear it is going well. I’m praying for your diet every day.