We have a walker! He actually could have been walking sooner, but he was a little stinker and kept sitting down and crawling when I would try and make him walk. But he’s become confident enough–due in large part to that little airplane/car that he likes to push Maddie around in–to finally enjoy walking on his own. I enjoy watching how proud of himself he is.
21 Day Fix Update: Day 16 going strong. It has been a day of great achievements: I was actually able to do the full 1 minute of my forearm plank today AND I was able to fit into my regular (non-maternity!) jeans. Whooo hooo!!! I feel like I’m really on the home stretch now. I can see the end in sight. I’m already starting to think about which parts I will keep incorporating into my normal routine starting next week. Although I’m looking forward to taking a mental break for a few days and just eating whatever I want (within moderation of course).
Yea! The video I’ve been waiting for!! I knew it would be coming soon. He walks like a pro. He must have been practicing on the sly because he really does look like he has been walking a long time already. Give him a high five and a smooch from his Nana.
Yay for you and for Levi!